News for June 2024

President's Message

Greetings! I am honored to be elected as President of the Zonta Club of Harrisburg and Hershey for the next biennium (2024-26). I look forward to working with the new Board and promoting the personal contribution of all the Zonta members. I believe through the work of our committee structure, we will continue to build a better world for women and girls through service and advocacy.

The monthly meetings will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. The June 12th meeting will be our planning meeting for the next club year. Please plan to join us at the Camp Hill Giant Center Community room at 5:30 pm for some social time, followed by the meeting at 6pm. We will offer some food and beverage prior to the meeting. Watch for a separate e-mail with the details for that meeting. You will be given the opportunity to sign up for committee membership at the June 12th meeting.

I am very excited to install new member Robbi Ritter at the June 12th meeting. We will also install Maria Todaro as a Board Director at the meeting. Congratulations to both!

Included in this newsletter are some opportunities for purpose and fellowship over the summer months. Please see the calendar items listed. If you have ideas for a group event this summer, please contact me.

At the Zonta International Convention in Brisbane, Australia in July, proposed Biennial Goals, Fundraising Goals and International Service Projects will be voted on. You can read more about these on the ZI website under the “My Tools” tab. The biennial goals ensure that we operate in accordance with the Zonta International’s strategic plan published in 2023. We will review these goals going forward to determine how we can incorporate these into our club activities.

I look forward to seeing you at the June 12th meeting.

Kathy Gates, President

Zonta Club of Harrisburg and Hershey

Upcoming Events (also on the Club's Google calendar (link below))

  • 6/8/24 Orientation for new members - 9:00 am - noon at Capital Blue Cross Connect, 4500 Marketplace Way, Enola - everyone is welcome
  • 6/12/24 DVSCP Breakfast & Annual Meeting - 7:30 - 9:00 am - West Shore Country Club
  • 6/26/24 Webinar on The Women's Movement: How We Changed Your Life and what are the lessons for today. 7:00 pm - registration required (details to follow in email)
  • 7/11/24 Greenlight Operation Evening of Impact (includes Dinner and Tour) RSVPs due to Kathy by June 12 and location details will be shared with those attending
  • 7/14/24 Summer Picnic at Grace's Mt. Gretna Place. Details to follow - mark your calendar now!

Member Milestones

Zonta Anniversary

Kathleen O'Malley, June 1, 1997

Nancy Fodor, June 1, 2011

Eileen Baylor, June 10, 2015

June Birthday's

Kathy Gates, Maria Todaro, Cathy Paul

Year End Wrap Up 

full of 'congratulations' and 'thank you's'

Clockwise from top left:

  • Amy presenting a check to Jordan Pine, President/CEO/Founder of Greenlight Operation. Greenlight Operation was our Biennial Partner and we're thrilled to be a part of their journey in disrupting human trafficking. 
  • Jennifer Colborn, receiving our Club congratulations for her Amelia Earhart Fellowship award from Zonta International.  Jennifer is a Ph.D. candidate in mechanical engineering at Pennsylvania State University. Her research is focused on heat transfer in gas turbine combustor liners. Upon completion of her degree, Ms. Colborn looks to continue research supporting development of next generation propulsion systems. In her free time, she enjoys baking, swimming, hiking, and performing with the Penn State Concert Band. We applaud her work to demonstrate that women should have access to all resources and can be represented in decision-making positions on an equal basis with men.
  • Days for Girls Camp Hill receiving a check from Amy to support their work in ensuring that "...periods are never a problem" (and that is NOT a statement of punctuation perfection!!) What if lack of feminine hygiene kept you in your room for days? No school for days. No income, for days. We can change that and work to do just that. ​
  • Club member Stacey Clark with her certificate of achievement for completing the Leadership Cumberland Fellow's program. Their vision is to inspire a legacy of influential community leaders. We're very proud of Stacey for this accomplishment and the future role she'll play in our community. 
  • Kathy, Amy and Deb displaying one of the gifts of appreciation to Amy for her club leadership during the last four years, helping us successfully navigate and thrive through challenges and transitions. 
  • Kathy Gates, newly installed as the President of the Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey.  We look forward to working with you to build a better world for women and girls locally and throughout the world. 

Click here for the calendar of all upcoming meetings, events and special days. 


The SOS signal is performed by holding your hand up with your thumb tucked into your
palm, then folding your fingers down, symbolically trapping your thumb in your fingers. It was intentionally designed as a single continuous hand movement, rather than a sign held in one position, that could be easily visible.

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