Home Nutrients Loyalty Scheme Contact



Spend £300 (net.) on nutrients
​and receive:
1 x Hesi Boost 500ml
3 x Supervit Sample

Spend £600 (net.) on nutrients
and receive:
1 x Hesi Boost 1L
1 x Clonfix 50ml

3 x Supervit Sample

Spend £1000 (net.) on nutrients
and receive:
2 x Hesi Boost 1L
1 x Hesi Boost 500ml
1 x Clonfix 100ml

3 x Supervit Sample



Hesi Boost 500ml & 1L - Giveaway!

HESI BOOST is a complete organic fertiliser to the intensification of the flower. A blend of fruit enzymes, plant sugars and fruit extracts. It is a very effective flowering stimulator. It makes for a rapid initiation of flowering and larger flowers.

HESI Boost is a bloom activator and, at the same time, a gentle leaf fertiliser for the flowering phase. It strengthens the flowering, increases the sugar content of fruits and improves the condition of the entire plant. It is suitable for all media.

More information


Hesi SuperVit Sample- Giveaway!

HESI SuperVit is a highly concentrated plant stimulator comprised of 15 plant-active vitamins and 10 amino acids. Vitamins and amino acids are both building blocks and biocatalysts in general metabolism. They structure the DNA (the genetic material) and plant hormones (cytokinins and gibberellins) which control the growth of leaves and flowering of plants. The vitamins and amino acids also play an active role in photosynthesis and the supply of energy.
All plants need vitamins to live, just like we humans. Unlike people, plants can produce all the necessary substances themselves, starting with inorganic fertilisers, water and carbon dioxide. If additional quantities of these substances are made available to the plants, the plants use them direct and save energy, which is then available for other purposes.



Hesi Clonefix 50ml & 100ml - Giveaway!

ClonFix by Hesi is a rooting gel that contains synthetic auxins that stimulate the stems on plant cuttings, encouraging them to sprout new roots much faster. It can be used in your preferred growing medium. Clone your favorite plants and keep them alive and kicking forever!
This rooting gel guarantees a 100% success rate when rooting clones, and if you’re using an electric heated propagator that can keep the temperature above 24C and RH over 90%, they should be ready to plant within a week.
Cuttings are essentially live plants with no roots yet – this is why it’s important to give them a soft source of light during the rooting process so that it can slow down its internal metabolic processes, which helps to stop it from drying up.


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For more information:
020 8311 6111

[email protected]
