
May is Mental Health Matters Month

Half of us will experience a mental health challenge over the course of our lives. Yet every day, millions of people continue to face stigma related to mental health because they or their loved ones are facing a challenge. According to RAND, nearly 9 out of 10 Californians with a mental health challenge report having experienced discrimination.

The very real prospect of facing stigma and discrimination prevents many from reaching out for support. In fact, before people reach out for help it takes an average of 11 years from the onset of symptoms of a mental health challenge. The goal of this awareness month is to amplify the voices of all people who want to put an end to this stigma, creating a community where everyone feels safe reaching out for the support they deserve.

Follow along through social media as we share resources and opportunities for dialogue throughout the month of May. 


Coalition Updates

TTSPC is excited to announce that we are now partnered with Sierra Community House and have hired Shannon Decker​ as our new part-time coordinator. We will continue to elevate suicide prevention efforts in the North Lake Tahoe and Truckee region. 

May's Mental Health Challenge

Attend a free, 30-minute virtual community Know the Signs training.

Register Here

CCTT Resource Sharing Meeting - May 5th

Please join us from 10 am - 12 pm on May 5th for the Community Collaborative Tahoe Truckee Resource Sharing meeting. May's meeting will feature a hosted discussion of the impact of COVID-19 on mental health. This meeting will include a Know the Signs training, hosted in partnership with the Tahoe Truckee Suicide Prevention Coalition. CCTT collects demographic information on meeting participants as part of grant reporting requirements.

Updated Resources

We've been working to update our website. Take a look at the updated resources linked below. 


App: Covid Coach
Take a Screening
Moonshine Ink

May 2020 Walking Challenge

Connect with the entire community in a virtual walk from Truckee to Half Dome in Yosemite National Park.

This is a virtual walking challenge totaling 380,000 steps (190 miles). You just need to average 12,258 steps per day! Follow along a virtual map to see your progress and enjoy the views along the way.

May's Walking ChallengeÂ