Pride! Respect! Responsibility! Pine Ridge PTO Newsletter September 14, 2018 Happy Friday, Rangers! This week finally feels like we are settling into the school routine at Pine Ridge. The kids are learning and showing their RangerBilities...Pride, Respect, and Responsibility. The school year is off to a great start! September is a very busy month for Pine Ridge students and their families and it is a FUN busy. Ranger Rally is coming up quickly on September 28, 9-11am. Later that day is the FH Central Homecoming parade, tailgate, and game. Our fourth graders are working on their parade float and Pine Ridge has reserved a few tailgate spots. We hope you’ll join us during and after the parade that afternoon. It’s going to be an awesome day! I hope all of you saw the Volunteer Interest Forms that came home with your students earlier this week. This is a great way to indicate areas where you’d like to get involved at Pine Ridge this year, so be sure to take a look and send it back to school soon. Check out some new/current volunteer opportunities on the website pine ridge pto click on the links below, or contact Nicole Noordyke at
[email protected] to get involved. Big thanks to our Ranger Rally co-chairs, Tanya Campbell, Patty Lobbezoo, and Michelle VanAllsburg, who are working hard to make our annual walk-a-thon fundraiser a successful event. Remember to turn in your donation envelopes and pass along the online donation link to your friends and family members. Also, don’t forget the fourth grade change wars! Which fourth grade class will lead the Rally this year?? Finally, we’d love to see you at our first PTO General Meeting on Tuesday, September 25 at 9am in the Media Center. You’ll hear from Mr. Phillips and Mr. Salter, our new fourth grade teachers, and from Mrs. Wittland, our new school counselor. Mrs. James will also share general school news and you’ll hear updates from several PTO committees. Remember, our meetings are family friendly so younger children are welcome. Hope to see you there! Warmly, Britt Metzger PTO President
[email protected] Current Volunteer Opportunities: Ranger Rally : Our annual Walk-A-Thon is coming up quickly this year! It is one of our biggest and most important fundraisers of the year. Contact our Rally Chairs for more information and sign up to walk with your child’s class or donate snacks for the event here: ranger rally sign-up Tanya Campbell,
[email protected] Patty Lobbezoo,
[email protected] Michelle VanAllsburg,
[email protected] Corporate Sponsorships available! Contact Colleen Fuelling at
[email protected] . Head Room Parents : We are looking for head room parents! This is a great way to get to know other parents and your child’s peers. HRPs serve as the liaison between classroom parents and the teacher, organizes celebrations, coordinates parent volunteers, and helps during staff appreciation week. head room parent sign-up Art Prize : Mr. Donohoe is seeking volunteers to staff our exhibit during ArtPrize at the GR Ford Airport. Grab a friend and sign up together! Get ready to brag on our awesome Ranger artists! art prize sign-up UPCOMING EVENTS! Missed the Cub Scout “Join Scouts” Information Night on September 10? It was a HUGE success and they are excited to share their awesome program with you and include your child. Contact Jen Bauer, Assistant Cub Master at
[email protected] or 616-633-9172 to find out how to get started in Scouting. Girl Scout Information Night is being held at Pine Ridge on Tuesday, September 18, at 6:30pm. Girls and parents are invited to come learn more about scouting. Troops are forming (or are already in place) at every grade level. Learn how the world’s oldest and largest girl-led organization prepares girls to be go-getters, innovators, risk-takers and leaders. Contact Juanita Vorel,
[email protected] , 313-516-8297, for more information. 4th Grade Float Work Sessions are Tuesday and Wednesdays, September 18, 19, 25, 26, from 6:30-7:30 in the cafeteria. Contact/text Morgan Wurz for more information, 817-988-3955. PTO General Meeting is scheduled for September 25, 9am, in the Media Center. Meet our new staff members and get Pine Ridge and PTO updates. Culver’s Night Before the Rally will be held on Thursday, September 27, 5-8pm. Mrs. James and other teachers/staff will be joining Culver’s crew to serve you that evening. This event is NOT TO BE MISSED and is a highlight of our Ranger Rally week! Ranger Rally kicks off at 9am on Friday, September 28. If you aren’t walking with your student’s class, we hope to see you cheering us on from the parade route. Go Rangers! Half Day of School , September 28. Students are dismissed at 11:55am. FHC Homecoming Parade...and Tailgate...and Football Game ! After you’ve recovered from the Ranger Rally, come out to FHC to watch the parade and join other Pine Ridge families at our tailgate on Friday, September 28. Parade starts at 5pm with tailgate to follow. Bring your own chair and a dish to share. 😄 Game against Cedar Springs starts at 7pm. SAVE THE DATE: Picture Retakes - October 19, 2018 Half Day of School - October 26, 2018 Fall Scholastic Book Fair - October 29 - November 2, 2018 Fall Parade & Class Room Parties - October 31, 2018 Veteran's Lunch - November 9, 2018 Special thanks to: Sara Gruber and Anne Gorman for the “yummy” cookie-themed, September birthday board! Kris Waide for getting to work organizing the Pine Ridge Family Directory! It is a big project and very much appreciated! Pine ridge pto If you would like to unsubscribe from this mailing list please email us at
[email protected] - Thank You!