I know what you’re thinking: Another email about COVID-19. I’m sorry. I wish it could be ignored, but as a business owner who works directly with clients, I feel it’s best to be prepared and transparent. 

At this time, I am not fearful about keeping or booking local sessions. I’d also like to note that I am (by choice) a low-volume photographer, meaning I only work with a few families each month, anyway.  

However, here are a few ways I’m working to make my client experience even more relaxing and stress-free. These are not panic measures — they're preventative ones. 

  1. During sessions, whether outside or in your home, I will keep my hands to myself and camera only. I will refrain from touching things inside your home and will direct poses using words only (no touching).
  2. I will sanitize my hands before and after our session. I'll also wash my hands upon entering your home.
  3. I will work hard in the days and weeks leading up to our session to keep myself, my family, and our home as clean as possible. I trust that you are, too. I will stay away from large crowds, wash our hands regularly, and sanitize things like our phones, keys, door handles, and steering wheels. I trust that you will, too.
  4. If you or a family member is sick, please reschedule. I'll do the same.
  5. While Reveal & Ordering appointments are typically done in person, I’m happy to make online arrangements. When meeting in person, appointments will be done in your home (or outside), and all equipment (my iPad, pen, clipboard, etc.) will be sanitized. 
  6. For the time being, consultations will be done over the phone or in your home, rather than meeting at a coffee shop or other public space.