#AncestryHour Update

It's been a while but the #AncestryHour Newsletter is back!

Since we were quoted as '...the most valuable #hashtag on the internet for #familyhistory & #genealogy...' in the press before Christmas, there has been a renewed interest in what we deliver.  Many of the top names in genealogy have come out of the wings to join join us and we are delighted to welcome Family Tree Magazine, 'Who Do You Think You Are Live 2017' and Living DNA to our other regular #AncestryHour contributors, such as Forces War Records.

This is great news for our followers, which are now approaching 3,500. Even better is that this continues without the need for money to change hands, reinforcing our ethos of 'mutual support' for all.

Details of these 'partnerings' will follow, but first, I am delighted to say that Tuesday evening chat stalwart, Sylvia Valentine, has agreed to join me at the helm as my co-panjandrum. 


Sylvia Valentine

A professional genealogist with an MLitt in Family & Local History from Dundee University, she is the eyes and ears across many sectors of the industry.  Sylvia earned her nickname 'Field Marshall Valentine' or #FMV for short by keeping us all in order, including me, during the Tuesday night discussions. 

Sylvia Attended this year's Rootstech family history conference in Salt Lake City, where she was actively promoting what British Genealogy had to offer the international community, and of course, spread the word about #AncestryHour.

Our humble little #hashtag was no exception and proved very popular on the other side of the Atlantic!  We look forward to even more international participation in our group over the coming year.ur.  The conference has created not only a fierce reputation as a leader on the global stage, but also a culture of collecting ribbons!


#AncestryHour ribbons


Sylvia's final ribbon haul!


Your Family Tree Magazine

#AncestryHour is both delighted & flattered to have partnered with Family Tree Magazine. Not only does this mean that valuable snippets from the magazine will be appearing on the #AncestryHour blog, but we shall be appearing in a regular slot within their printed publication.  We shall be bringing you a social commentary of the 'mover's and shakers' as they appear through our social media channels.  

So, if you want to share 'what's hot' and 'what's not' in the ancestral community remember to add the #AncestryHour to your tweets!


Who Do You Think You Are Live 2017

Britain is one again gearing up to host it's largest family history fair from Thursday 6 – Saturday 8 April 2017 at the Birmingham NEC and #AncestryHour is privileged to be part of it.  We shall be in attendance as ambassadors helping visitors get the most from their visit.  If you would like to help in this respect please contact me as soon as possible.

"The show is a fantastic opportunity for you to discuss your individual family history with over 120 genealogy experts who will be on hand to help with your research and provide FREE access to their billions of records. There will also be a packed workshop programme from the Society of Genealogists, Ask the Experts area offering you a FREE one-on-one session, heirloom detectives Marc Allum and Eric Knowles and DNA expertise to help you break down your brick walls. The show is a fantastic day out where you’ll be sure to find all the expert advice, tips and guidance you need to enhance your own family history discoveries." 

In the meantime WDYTYA will also be posting regular updates to the #AncestryHour blog where you will find a more detailed and up to the minute commentary an what to look forward to at this years event.

There is also a fantastic £20 discount to be had on a pair of tickets when they are  pre-booked through #AncestryHour.  To take advantage of this offer please click on the image below. 


Living DNA

A test with Living DNA gives a breakdown of your DNA across 21 regions of the British Isles spanning the last 10 generations.  Currently they are the only company to do so.  They are regularly on hand in the #AncestryHour Tuesday chats to answer your questions.  

You can also enter a competition to win one of their tests worth £120, absolutely free when you join me on my own personal journey into my ancestral heritage.  The competition runs until the 31st March 2017 and is free to enter.  The inner will be announced when I receive my results for the first time LIVE at WDYTYA.  To enter click on the image below.


The Smart Genealogist

Another eagerly awaited contributor to the #AncestryHour blog for the professionals amongst us, is Belinda Griffin who will be sharing tips on how to market yourself and your family history business.

Belinda is a digital marketing fanatic on a mission to help more genealogists be seen and heard online. Having spent a decade working on family history magazines and six years in digital marketing, Belinda is in the unique position to offer digital marketing education and insight that is perfectly aligned to the needs of genealogists.

"The Smart Genealogist (thesmartgenealogist.com) is a brand new website aimed at helping family historians learn how best to spread the word about their businesses, books and blogs. But to make it the best resource it can be, its creator, Belinda Griffin, needs your help.​

Belinda is keen to hear from researchers, authors, bloggers and speakers to find out exactly what tips and resources you would find most useful to help you publicise what you do. Email her at [email protected] and tell her what your biggest challenges are!

You can also sign up to receive a free checklist ‘7 steps to promoting your family history business or blog’ at thesmartgenealogist.com/free-checklist".


A Quick reminder that you can try Forces War Records for yourself today and benefit from a 40% discount off your first month's subscription using the code unique to #AncestryHour followers AH40 at sign up. 

You can also follow their own highly infomartive blogs at https://www.forces-war-records.co.uk/blog​​

I think I have covered most of our news to date and it only remains for me to thank you all for your continued support.  

It is the contribution from all of you that makes #AncestryHour #No1!

Many, many thanks

Susie Douglas
