
Let the season of spring inspire your to reignite your practice! Try out some of these postures to get your energy moving & start enjoying this gorgeous weather! Take 5 soft, slow inhalations and exhalations with each pose to move energy through your body with your breath.


Lift your heels & extend your arms to  shoulder height and balance in "diver pose".


Use a wall for support & pivot into king dancer!


Ease into cobra pose & broaden the space across your collar bones to improve posture.

Bring your heels together & squeeze the muscles in your legs to support your hips in butterfly pose.


Open some energy lines in this beautiful shoulder stretch as you relax your brain & invite relaxation.


Move into your favorite variation of happy baby pose to open & strengthen your hips.


Create some fire in your belly & repeat this pose 3-5 times.


Open energy lines in your lymphatic system with this shoulder opener.


Breathe in child pose & bring your hands to "tented fingers" or place your hands on blocks as you press your triceps towards the mat.


We are hosting a special event in May!

Summer Erdmann, PT and owner of True Freedom, Physical Therapy has inspired us local fitness folks to collaborate on a women's health fair event, Aging Well, Tuesday, May 10th, 6-7:30PM. Amy & Anne of Yoga Melrose, Ashley Uphoff of Melrose Fitness and Amy VanBeck of Lifestyle Fitness and Summer of True Freedom will be sharing tips & tools to inspire you to think differently about aging well and learn about all the amazing services that available locally. This free event is designed for women ages 20-50+. Stay tuned for more details! 


Ashley is resuming her one-on-one training and virtual programming options. Small group training opportunities at Yoga Melrose will be coming this spring! Call or text her at  320-333-5498 ​ to inquire more or visit the Melrose Fitness personal training webpage​.


Amy continues to teach Sculpt and Bootcamp weekly. Text Amy at 320-290-8801​, email [email protected], or Facebook message Lifestyle Wellness LLC​ to register today.

Our Message to You