Over 200 to attend our Reunion Banquet!

Yes, read that headline again: at least 200 people will be attending the Reunion Banquet at the Kennedy Center (our old JFK high school) Saturday evening, September 17!

We have smashed the previous record for Class of 1971 reunion attendance --- by far. In fact, the Reunion Banquet is sold out! This reunion is so notable that Sally Friedman, renowned columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer and Burlington County Times is coming to write an article and she is bringing a photographer with her.​

Oh my gosh! Two hundred people are coming to the Reunion Banquet! What am I going to wear???

This has got to be the most common question. Do I dress to the nine's? Do I go casual? Is suit & tie required? What is everybody else wearing? Should I dress like the Kennedy High Gryphon?

In 1971, blue jeans, miniskirts, sneakers, and army jackets were the rage. Everybody wore different clothes. The fashion was to make your own fashion. (Who remembers Lenny Edwards coming to school in full native American regalia?)

So, dress as you wish. But, be aware there will be photographers, videographers, and newspaper reporters taking pictures. There will also be a great Class photo opportunity in the Gym. And don’t forget to bring your dancing shoes, as we plan to party hearty Saturday night.

I bought a ticket: So where's my ticket?

You purchased a "virtual" ticket, not a real paper ticket. Don't worry, you are in our computer system. If you purchased a ticket and/or merchandise through our website store, you should have received a confirmation email and an invoice you can print out. These serve as your proof of purchase. But you do not need a ticket, confirmation email, or invoice to get in. We have your purchase in our computers, and we have multiple accounting systems, including paper copies, in place as backup. If you mailed us a check, your cancelled check is proof of purchase. We have you logged in, too! 

Go to our website's "Who's Coming" page. Your name should be listed (with any guests). If you paid for an event and you are not listed, email us at: [email protected]


Everybody but me is going to the Reunion Banquet! Can I still buy a ticket?

Sorry, the Saturday evening (9/17/16) Reunion Banquet is now SOLD OUT.

Fortunately, we planned multiple events throughout the Reunion Weekend (September 16-18) and you can still participate in them. At the Reunion website's store, you can purchase tickets for the Friday afternoon Meet & Greet, the Friday evening dinner at the Golden Dawn Diner, and the post-Banquet Party at the 45th Street Pub Sunday afternoon.

Also, there is a free Saturday afternoon party at the old JFK high school from 1 pm to 5 pm. You can join us as we hang out with friends, decorate the school, bring and share memorabilia, listen to alumni musicians and poets during an open mic program, view displays, tour the school, and select cool merchandise like our 45th anniversary t-shirts and unique Gryphon baseball caps.




If you missed any of our 10 previous reunion newsletters, you can read archived issues by clicking this website link: