
December and January

Hey friends,

December has gotten away from me. I have postponed the Reiki and the Astrology classes ;) Life is very joyfully busy and blessed so we will just move things out to January.


Vedic Astrology Class

8 Tuesday 6-8pm

January 25th, Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15

This class is for newbies, people with some knowledge or even advanced students. We will continue to delve into the nature of the Grahas (the Planetary Angels) and learn how to listen to their energy. We will dovetail our Reiki Training with this class to work with the planets in your chakras and nadi channels as well as Reiki methods to clear and balance them. You will learn and practice the mantras to bring healing to challenges in your chart or your loved ones.

You will learn the difference between Western and Eastern systems of astrology.


$250.00 Email to register, pre-registration required


Reiki Training

January 29th & 30th


As usual this class too is for beginner or advanced practitioners. We will focus on learning more about how to relate to the Reiki energy, learn to connect with Master Usui, and cleanse and clear chakras, crystals, room and more. A review of hands on placements will be in the mix, for locals I will have the reiki table set up for practice. For Zoom folks you can practice on a willing volunteer :) Initiations and re-attunements will be happening. Constant practice and re-commitment to your practice or learning this practice is what this training is all about.

Join the reiki Club!- email to sign up

pre-registration required $225 for new people (Receiving reiki I or II initiations)

$125 for already attuned people


As always with me things move and change. This is my current intention for these classes. I am working with the Angels when I sit down to write the trainings (and now as I compose). They pick the dates and times, I am just the scribe. These sacred teachings are called Shruti in yoga philosophy meaning "what is heard". They come from oral traditions and that is my primary way of conveying them. The trainings, classes, one on one sessions move and change with what is needed in the moment and by who shows up :) I am excited to get back to the trainings. Thanks so much for asking, repeatedly...:)

As always if money is an issue, there are payment plans or other things, just reach out for the conversation.

Much love to you all, Namaste, Laura