


Welcome to our November newsletter! This month we have a bumper edition with lots of information about upcoming events including your chance to have a look at all of the exciting work we have been doing upstairs and the return of Halifax Concert Band with a Christmas Concert!


A Few Key Dates for November

Wednesday 6th at 7:30pm

Quiz Night

£7.00 including a Pie and Pea supper!

Saturday 9th at 10:30am

Autumn Fair

Discover unique finds and treats, then relax with a tasty bite to eat.

Saturday 30th at 10:00am

Open Morning

Come along and see what's been going on upstairs!


It may still seem far away, but we'd hate you to miss out, so get these dates in your diary.

We've got our festive concert with Halifax Concert Band and lots of Christmas services below.


Christmas Services

Sunday 22nd December at 10:30am - Nativity Service

Sunday 22nd December at 6:30pm - Carols by Candlelight

Tuesday 24th December at 4:00pm - Glow Service

Wednesday 25th December at 10:00am - Christmas Day Service

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