
What to expect this Sunday

book here  10.30

Book using the link above to attend the morning in person Service of the Word.


Why not watch the service on Facebook or Youtube and share a few comments during the live stream. You might have some questions, comments, or an encouraging word - we would love to hear from you. Jeremy will be leading the service, reflecting on Mark 1:1-8

Anna and Patrick will be leading our sung worship .


Meet us for a coffee and chat after the service.(online)

​We have really missed meeting in person for worship, and we've also missed grabbing a piece of cake, a cup of coffee and having a chat with friends. Well we thought we would try and meet online immediately after the live stream of our Sunday service. 

If you would like to catch up with some Church friends, talk about the service, see how people are, and just have a good natter then why not meet us on our Coffee Zoom call. The link to connect is below and if you don't have Zoom on your computer there is a link for that too.


Topic:  After Service Discussion

Time: Dec 6th, 2020 3pm 

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 869 8602 1713

Passcode: ashcoffee

Neil Shepherd

It is with great sadness that we share the news that Neil Shepherd, who led Cornwall Community Choir for many years, has passed away suddenly. 

Jeremy writes "He was a generous, kind man. There aren't many that have blessed Cornwall as much as he. His music direction, choir leadership and community work have impacted so many peoples' lives. It wasn't long ago he led a concert in aid of the Lifehouse, attended by a full house, including Bishop Philip and the Mayor of Truro​".

Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Katherine, his daughters, his family and close friends.


Prayer for the church and each other

​Every Tuesday in term time we are now launching our new prayer and conversation space called the ASH Open Space. This is a time to come together, start in quiet contemplation, break into groups to talk about how you are and what is on your heart, and then to pray for each other and the church.


This will take place from 10:30 – 11:30 on Tuesday mornings on Zoom until we can meet again in person. If you are interested in coming along then please email [email protected] for the zoom login details. Alternatively if you cannot join us in person then we welcome any prayer requests to [email protected]. If you would like your prayer requests to stay private then please state this in the email and the emails will be monitored by our prayer team Daphne Atkinson (Prayer Director), Rowley Surridge (Deputy Warden), Anna Robinson (Worship Leader) and Joff Phipps (Social Justice Missioner).


In addition to our Tuesday morning prayer meetings we also meet on Wednesday evenings for prayer too. Again this is on Zoom from 8pm to 9pm. Over the last 4 months we have been following reflections by Brennan Manning found in his book 'The Ragamuffin Gospel'. We are now using this time to focus on sharing and praying, with a focus on a particular passage. You are very welcome to join us - just email Jeremy [email protected] for the Zoom login details. 

We look forward to meeting with you all and sharing life together.

Vicarage Advent Party

We are delighted to announce that the Vicarage Advent Party raised £312 for the Cornwall Refuge Trust. The winners of the raffle were called on the night and have received their hampers.



Collect Prayer

 O Lord, raise up, we pray, your power
and come among us, and with great might succour us; that whereas, through our sins and wickedness we are grievously hindered in running the race that is set before us, your bountiful grace and mercy may speedily help and deliver us; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit, be honour and glory, now and for ever. 


Vicar: Revd Jeremy Putnam  (01872 261944) 
Curate: Revd Janette Mullett 
Curate: Patrick Gilbert (07706 415378) 

Jane Tomlinson (01872 273542)

Staff Team
Youth Leader: Alice Bevan (07450 997945)
Young People and Families Leader: Sam Payne
Operations Manager: Lucas Bostdorff (07519 069671) 
Social Justice Missioner: Joff Phipps 
Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Irene Mortimore (07889 822951)
Administrator- Kirsty Basram office hours Mon 1-4, Thurs 8-5
[email protected] (01872 495121)