Not just a day, but  a year of Thanksgiving

Dear family, friends and colleagues,

I am truly thankful for you!

Your encouragement and patronage have been my energy, motivation and inspiration throughout this past year.

And, I am extra thankful and forever grateful for my beloved husband, Ward who has given me his endless support and rich blessings to pursue a career as an artist.

A few thankful milestones

Bietshorn, Switzerland

After starting the year with a bang off the wild coast of Ireland, I continued painting just as vigorously in the alps of Switzerland. I experienced the creme de la creme hospitality from my brother, Daniel and his beloved wife, Denise.

There is nothing more refreshing than to wake up each morning with a view from your bedroom window like I painted here.

Long Beach, Sag Harbor

Then on to the calm coast of the lovely village of Sag Harbor, NY for a summer with my daughter, Rebekah and her finance, Abe, executive chef at Baron's Cove. I enjoyed the warmest hospitality from both of them and, yes... many a treats from Baron's Cove. I loved my time in Sag Harbor. I met many great new friends and even left with some of my art hanging in local shops. 


And, yes again... Sag Harbor was good to me.  I produced many large pieces, of which two sold, Firm and Charleston.





And, two others were selected into national juried shows, Orchids and Blue Purple. Orchids received an Honorable Mention.


Orchids. (Prairie Village Arts Council 8th Annual State of the Arts Juried Exhibition, Oct 3-30)


Blue Purple. (Craven Arts Council Bank of the Arts National Juried Exhibit, Oct 14-Nov 28)

A token of gratitude 

To express my gratitude, I am excited to offer my 2015 original art at a discounted price of 50% OFF!

Coupon code <THANKFUL>

Offer good until Dec 31, 2016

Click to visit my Etsy shop

December Highlights

I have some exciting events scheduled this holiday season. Please come and join the fun!

Dec 1 New monthly newsletter ( Each month I will feature "Art of the Month."  It may be a piece of my work or ?... You will have to find out.)

Dec 10 @10am - 3pm  Randallstown High School Holiday Bazaar, 4000 Offutt Rd, Randallstown MD (I LOVE this school and have been invited back to participate in their holiday bazaar to sell my original artwork, DIY ornaments and paint kits for kids.)

Dec 15 @730am - 9pm  Sportrock Alexandria, Wood Panel Painting Clinic, 5308 Eisenhower, Alexandria VA (Special fundraiser for Parkinson's Disease where I will demo my series of original art on mini wood block panels.  All attendees will walk away with their own masterpiece.)

Dec 17-18 @11am-9pm  Open Studio + Holiday Cheer, 4740 Connecticut Ave, #313, Washington DC (Last of the season, I will open my studio for all to come a see my work and absolutely enjoy some holiday cheer!! Please know your THANKFUL 50% discount coupon code is also good for any 2015 original artwork in my studio.)

Thank you so much for reading to the end of my newsletter.

It is wonderful to paint and share the same joy with you!



P.S.  Please check out my social media sites here... Lots more interesting work!