Tom's Pantry

Tom's Pantry for the week of september 28th 2020.

Congrats to the East ONt Garlic market!

Hello Folks. 

We had a great day yesterday Sunday 27th at the Eastern Ontario Garlic Market​ in Cornwall. Brenda Normal completed the difficult, complicated, but successful organization. And the weather cooperated beautifully.  Attendance was excellent considering the COVID situation and the smaller size of the market.

For Tom's Pantry, it was our biggest sales day since I started attending farmers markets in May 2019. We sold out again and beat $1000 in sales in a single day for the first time. The olive and garlic bread was the first item to sell. Then the walnut butter tarts ran out. We were happy to meet some regular customers and friends, and many new customers.


Baking and delivering this week!

Tom's Pantry is ramping up. Starting this past week and through to the end of October, I will attend two farmers markets per week.

Vankleek Hill Farmers Market - Saturdays October 3rd, 17th, and 31st, with home deliveries on the round trip there and back to Berwick. I need your orders by Thursday evening of each week. 

Parkdale Farmers Market in Ottawa - every Thursday in October (orders by Tuesday evening), plus Saturdays October 10th and 24th (orders by Thursday evening), with home deliveries around Ottawa and on the round trip there and back to Berwick.

I will be in Russell on Wednesday evening (orders by Tuesday evening), in Cornwall on Thursday evening (orders by Tuesday evening), and in Chesterville on Saturday evening (orders by Thursday evening). 

Consult the schedule and online ordering at

Thanksgiving October 12th

Don't forget Thanksgiving Day. It is only 2 weeks away. Your dinner table will need bread, nice organic sourdough bread. This is the chance to offer a different bread, something that folks have not seen before. 

Order ahead for pickup at your farmers market. 

Monthly rotation

Tom's Pantry rotates some products off and on the menu each month.

Going into October, we take certain items off the menu: Pita, white bread, bagels, Ezekiel, chocolate and orange, raisins and almonds.

In October, we put certain items back on the menu: white bread with Beau's Real Time IPA beer, pumpernickel, cheddar cheese, chocolate and cranberries, French baguette, Ciabatta, blueberries on whole wheat. 

Payment options

I am pretty flexible on payment methods at Tom's Pantry.  

  • Cash is easiest for me when I see you in person.
  • E-transfer in advance works well. It is inexpensive although it creates an extra bookkeeping entry for me.
  • Online payment while ordering in advance on my online store by debit card or credit card. The debit card is inexpensive. I like credit cards the least because they cost me about 3% merchant's fee. 
  • Tap on my Square device, but only at my table at the farmers market, by debit card or credit card. The debit card is inexpensive. I like credit cards the least because they cost me about 3% merchant's fee. 

Stay in touch...