May 2020 - News Flash #11 

Kia Ora. Right there, where you are, wherever it may be - I hope this email brings connection and a slice of joy to your inbox.


Where, here, there, everywhere?

Where in the world is God?  Is God only over there, or here, or everywhere? Spoiler alert, I don't have the answers. But I do get a sense that God has always been present and always will be. Perhaps the challenge of faith is to seek and patiently find God in our journey, wherever that journey may take us?

>> ​Read on & VIEW the illustration...


Colouring In

Love to colour? Perhaps you need something to help settle the little ones? I have created a new section with some images that you can download for free. I hope these help to create calm and space for prayerful reflection where-ever you are.

>> VIEW and get colouring... 


Virtual World Tours

Experiencing cabin fever? Need to explore? No worries, even though we can’t travel physically we can now go on virtual world tours in cities around the world. Perhaps virtually visit, then pray with that place now. Where will you find God virtually?

>> FIND around the world... 


Architecture Tours with Frank

Curious about Frank Lloyd Wright’s Architecture? You can now virtually view 12 of his most famous buildings. Spending time with these architectural masterpieces is a great way to relax, while also discovering new places. Just click the link below or search #WrightVirtualVisit on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

>> DISCOVER, relax and find new places... 


Hania Rani - F Major

A new stunning video featuring the magnetic and meditative movements of dancers on the deserted shores of Iceland (5min). Shot in Iceland on February 23, 2020 (at minus 7 Celsius - brrrr). Powerful and perfect to be used as reflection / prayer. Perhaps you might find God today in Iceland!

>> WATCH and find in Iceland...

Food For Thought

"It is God’s work. Try to see His hand in all that happens”
​~ St Mary MacKillop (1871)

"Nothing is more practical than finding God, than falling in love in and absolute, final way.”
​~ Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ

“The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything. God is the ground, the substance, the teaching, the teacher, the purpose, and the reward for which every soul labours.” ~ Julian of Norwich

News Flash​ is a monthly email with artwork, spirituality & inspirational things. AMDG. ​Feel free to unsubscribe or let me know what you would like to see in the future.
You have been signed up as a gesture of kindness & inclusion.
Jane Maisey rsj