located at 308 east main street, melrose, mn


Now, you can add some meditative time to your day! Anne will plan to keep the studio open after Yin Yoga on Sundays in April from 4-4:15pm if you'd like to infuse meditation into your life. We look forward to adding more time as people express interest.


Use a wall at ANYTIME during yoga class to create your variation of tree pose. Remember, make the pose in service to you & your body in this moment.


*Meet michele schultzenberg*

YM: Tell us a little about yourself.

MS: I’m a wife, stepmom and bonus mother-in-law, and last year acquired grandma status with the addition of a baby girl and baby boy to our family.

YM: Are you originally from Melrose? If not, tell us a little about your hometown and what it was like.

MS: My family moved to Melrose (My Dad’s hometown) in the late 70’s. After graduation, I returned to the Twin Cities for college with little intention of ever living in Central MN again as there just weren’t as many opportunities at the time. After 15+ years of living a crazy fast-paced life in the printing industry in the Twin Cities, I discovered I had a bit of an entrepreneurial spirit and returned to Melrose to start a flower shop in nearby Freeport. I retired the shop after 19 years and am enjoying free time with my husband.

YM: What Hobbies and activites do you enjoy?

MS: Gardening, baking, walks in our woods, reading, wine, and recently have started drawing and watercolor painting again.

YM: How long have you been doing yoga?

MS: I was introduced to it in college, taking yoga as a way to fulfill the physical ed requirement. I have never been particularly athletic and so figured it would be an easy way for me to complete the necessary credits. I was a sort of yoga drifter for many years thereafter, taking various classes here or there thru different community ed programs or following video programs at home. I took some of Anne’s classes wayyyy back when she first started offering them in Freeport and then just couldn’t find the time to stick with it the same for several years. I tried the beginner’s class at Yoga Melrose about a year ago and have been practicing more regularly ever since.

YM: What do you like best about your yoga practice?

MS: I really enjoy Gentle Yoga. The slower pace gives me more time to really get into the pose, make adjustments and breathe. I feel stronger, more flexible, and relaxed after class.

YM: Tell us something unique about yourself?

MS: I’m a Harley Mama at heart, enjoying motorcycling with my husband including some adventurous road trips over the years.


SCULPT - 5:30pm with Amy Van Beck​,320-290-8801 to sign up

BEGINNER'S YOGA - Mondays 6:30-7pm. Registration Required at 320-290-3312


MODIFIED ASHTANGA YOGA - 5:30am with Anne & Amy​​


GENTLE YOGA - 9:30am with Amy T.

GENTLE YOGA - 6pm with Anne H.


ALL-LEVEL YOGA - 5:30am with Amy T.​


BOOTCAMP- 5:15am Amy Van Beck 320-290-8801 to sign up​

RESTORE & RESTOCK - 6pm 1st Friday of the month, all proceeds go to Melrose Food Shelf


ALL-LEVEL YOGA - 7am with various teachers

GENTLE YOGA - 9am on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Saturdays

DUTCHMIGHT YOGA for kids - 9am on 1st Saturday (free will offering)


YIN YOGA - 4pm with Anne H.


Studio Strength has openings! Yoga Melrose members only pay an additional $20/month for twice per week strength training. Ashley is no longer accepting Studio Strength clients until after her maternity leave but has other options for helping people get started with strength training. Inquire or join her waitlist when she returns by emailing her at [email protected]


Amy continues to teach Sculpt and Bootcamp weekly. Text Amy at 320-290-8801​, email [email protected], or Facebook message Lifestyle Wellness LLC​ to register today.

Our Message to You

April 20 & 21, 2024: Eagan, MN

This conference brings together yogis of all levels from across Minnesota and surrounding states. With something for everyone, we hope to inspire various levels of students, from beginner to the advanced, to the yoga teacher. Bring your own mat and props, and come prepared to nourish your soul, and evolve your yoga practice. Register today! Happy Spring! Please note: No YIN YOGA on Sunday, April 21st. We will be attending this conference. Yay!
