
Owl Dream Sequence Full Moon


We have a new baby

Opie Rohlfs born 8-14-2021

in the family and another due in February.  There's probably more, adn the family grows!

SpiralDancing has returned to a Community Membership, once again highlighting the teachings of Earth Family I grew up with.  The primary thing I wanted to impart to humanity.  We continue our spiritual regime and teachings that heal, but now as self-paced, tracked and supported by that structure of relationship so in alignment with the Medicine Wheel Cycles of Mother Earth's timing.

My schedule of presentations has literally been slashed to one-third of what I have been doing over the last few years, as we have finished up the tracking for the November 2021-October 2022 Year of Compassion Calendar.  I'll be doing more one-on-one portal guardianship with those that are interested.  It's like being a caregiver to Mom from wherever you are.  Alot of the information has come from our many years of pilgrimage work and staying true to my great grandmother's teaching: where is sacred ground?  wherever your feet walk the earth creating life.  That means at home too.  So from the container at the Ranch, settled between 7 power spots, and the outlying San Diego County, I intend to share what I know, if you want that type of connection and fulfillment in your life.

There's been so many changes in the Butterfly New Moon Cycle, and I decided that, if your life is moving as fast as mine, and all you are doing is standing still and letting the cogs fall into place… well it's time to hug a tree and breathe…

Thank you SpencyRay for your nerve soothing tunes, and always your love and friendship!


August 26th ZOOM EVENT


Ranch Event - Reg due by September 15th, 2021


Audio Downloads


September 19th ZOOM EVENT


Ranch Event - Womyn Only - Reg Due by September 27th, 2021


Ranch Event - Reg Due by March 15th, 2022


Self-Paced Reg Open Yr Round


This Lunar Cycle of Energy is the Time of the OWL


Color & Connect

It's generally known that the Owl is something of a death omen among Native Americans.  They are also highly revered.  This perplexity prompted me to inquire with my grandpa about the time I was 10 years old and there had been a lot of death in the family.  To be quite honest, these occurances began happening about the same time some of my vision were actually happening, and I needed the reassurance that my vision wasn't part of the equation making a person cross.

To my relief, Grandpa set me straight on owls all the way around.  Next to be called in front of Creator for assignment wast the Owl, to whom he said, "You will escort them as they leave this plane of existence.  With honor they will be received in the Place of Souls.  They will return to light, to beauty, and to joy when the purpose of this life is done, and they will continue on into the next life – growing ever stronger, wiser, and richer in the knowledge of self."  Owl being quite honored by this sacred mission, bowed reverently.

When the Indian Wars became so difficult, the owl's hoot was enough reason to pick up the village and move it.  We have a great horned owl and his mate that live here in our little canyon.  His name is Pipsqueak because when he and I talk, he still squeals his juvenile voice to let me know it's him.  We've developed quite a bond, and change again is rebirth… a constant thematic in life.

When the Owl cycle comes along, I go into the grotto with my students to prepare for Fall and the Winter Dream.  There is a lot of re-looking to see what has worked, and pruning of what has not, then turning with lightness toward what lies ahead as Owl resurrects our passion for life.

…"Oh, I saw many things," Grandfather Owl said.  "I saw that everything is temporary.  Nothing remains the same.  Of all the mysteries I witnessed, the most perplexing was why the two-leggeds do not embrace their own power.

"Generation after generation of accumulated knowledge has been offered to you.  It will continue.  There are days coming where your vision will be clear and your thoughts as sharp as fractured obsidian.  Dance the Dance of Life…) (quotes from Legends & Prophecies)


SpiralDancing Life: Cyclic Questions to Ask Ourselves

  • Do I consider how my words and actions affect others?
  • Have I ever disarmed anyone with an unexpected act of compassion?
  • Can I stay present in the moment?
  • Do I truly trust the process of healing evolution and my belief in spirituality?

That Which Crosses - a free booklet of Grief Rituals that span 1 year


Daily Affirmations to Balance


celebrating 10 years as Monthly PrayerMaker

Each morning we would climb the cliffs.  I would sit and watch for signs from nature of confirmation while Grandpa would express his love to the Sacred Parents.  One day it became my turn, and the wind blew so that I thought I would fall.  Grandpa told me that as I calmed my inner fears, the wind would also calm, and all things would work in harmony.  On days I miss my prayers, things do not work.  On days that I do them… there are miracles.  It's a good regime.

Morning affirmation said to Grandfather Sun:

I bring love all around, abounding.  I am the wings of a bird, a Standing Tall One.  I smile my inner child.  Others let this love fill them, and it fills them so that what shines out from their counterance is a reflection of my expanded heart.  All who come near are touched by my love, attracted to this love, and know this lovve.  This then is my gift to the world in this cycle.  I am a Channel.

Evening affirmation said to Grandmother Moon:

I am a spiritual being living a physical lifestyle, in which all interactions happen under my physical perspective; each entity influences others through energetic interaction, under the Sacred Laws of Universal domain.  For me, the existence of phenomenon has been proven as I have detected, measured, and experienced in my life.  All things exist, therefore, all things are possible.

This then ends another good day in my life.

Seeing how we can kind of track life through our prayers and affirmations so that it flows with grace and ease, is really part of an ancient lifestyle, that allows us to live naturally, spontaneously, in harmony with the Earth Mother, and HAVING THINGS WORK.  tlish diyan follows patterns and visions.  One with nothing, and everything simultaneously, actually takes great diligence adn work, and knowing when to jump into the Crack in the Universe to receive what we need.

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