What does it take to get 25,000 plants in the ground on one site in one planting season?

  1. A willing landholder wanting to bring back the cool temperate rainforest that once grew on his steep farming country in Glen Forbes, thanks to Karl and Rachel Russo.
  2. Funding from the Bass Coast Shire Council Biolinks project through the Melbourne Water Stream Frontage Partnership.
  3. BCLN’s Nursery Volunteers to collect the seed and grow 25,000 plants in hico tubes from seed and cuttings.

Click here to find the full story with the whole TEN elements it took to get this site planted out....

Congratulations and well done to all involved in this MASSIVE undertaking, the biggest planting in Bass Coast for 20 years or so!!!


Click on the links for event information and booking details.

Hear guest speakers from Ambercreek Farm at the French Island Landcare Group AGM 


The French Island Landcare Group AGM will be held on Saturday 2nd of September at 2pm at the French Island Community Hall. Guest Speakers Dan and Amelia Bright own and run Ambercreek Farm at Fish Creek. They raise heritage breed Wessex Saddleback pigs and large white pigs which free-range on 165 acres of lush rolling hillsides.  In conjunction with this they also run a small-scale sawmill, combining the two businesses successfully with each other, using sustainable farming practices.

If you are coming over from the mainland or Phillip Island, transport can be organised to and from the jetty.  Please contact President, Judith Metcher on 0412 178 617 or [email protected]

Click here to check out the French Island Landcare group webpage

Get involved in the last Community Tree planting Days this season


French Island Landcare and Friends of French Island Planting Day - Saturday 26th August, 10.30am. at the Slipway. Light lunch provided. If anyone needs a lift from the ferry or for further information please contact Judith on 0412 178 617.

Phillip Island Landcare Group Plantings - Sunday 13th August, 10-2pm. Cleeland Farm 1510 Phillip Island Road, Surf Beach, Phillip Island. BBQ lunch provided. Saturday 26th August, 10-2pm. Phillip Island Race Track, 1215 Phillip Island Road, Phillip Island. Look for the landcare event sign on the side of the road. BBQ lunch provided. RSVP to Joel Geoghegan for either day on 0409 705 652 or [email protected]

Kongwak Hills Landcare Group Plantings - 30th of August, 10-1pm, Andrew Perry with 50 RMIT students 390 Inverloch-Kongwak Rd, Kongwak, RSVP Dave Bateman 0488399151. 2nd of September, 10-1pm, Josie Arnold /Claire Stainsby, 960 Bena Kongwak Rd, Kongwak, RSVP to Geoff Trease 0437 011 638

3 Creeks Landcare Group Plantings - 19th of August, 10-1pm, Adam McNally, End of Hawkins Rd Dalyston, RSVP Nick Sibly 0402785206 - 2nd of September, 10-1pm Chris Puyol, Gippsland Mushrooms, 1880 Loch Wonthaggi rd Ryanston. RSVP Dave Bateman 0488399151

Korumburra Landcare Group Plantings - 3rd September, 10-1pm, Victor Nanut, 870 Korumburra Wonthaggi rd Jumbunna, RSVP Dave Bateman 0488399151.

Click here for the full planting calendar on our News and Events page


Gippsland Intrepid Landcare’s first planting day done and dusted!


Our very own Works Crew Supervisor, Derek Snowden organized the first Intrepid Landcare planting day on Saturday 29th July. There was an awesome turnout of over 40 people who put 4,200 plants in the ground at this windy, steep and challenging site. A huge thankyou also to Udder and Hoe who provided the yummy lunch that kept everyone going.

18-35, interested in Landcare? Click here to check out Intrepid Landcare’s Facebook page

Click here to become a member of the Gippsland Intrepid Landcare Group

Securing our future drinking water through revegetation and community partnerships


The Phillip Island Landcare Group and the Bass Coast Landcare Network have been working in partnership with Westernport Water since 1999.  The partnership was again ratified in 2016 with the signing of a five-year Memorandum of Understanding and celebrated with a joint tree planting event at a private land site in the Tennant Creek Catchment.  The partnership has two main components. Partnership contributions that support key Landcare projects, and fee for service works which fund the Bass Coast Landcare Network to undertake on ground works on Westernport Water owned assets. 

Click here to read more including highlights of the on-ground works happening at the Candowie Reservoir

Community Planting Days Round up


Phillip Island Landcare Group - A successful planting day on 16th July at the Phillip Island Track was enjoyed by all. Thanks for everyone who helped out today. Everyone was well rewarded by a BBQ lunch and hot drinks to warm up. 

Click here to check out the Phillip Island Landcare group webpage


Kongwak Hills Landcare Group- Kongwakers and friends were out in the wind (but fortunately not the rain) on the 22nd July for their first planting project. With help from willing hands close to 2,000 small native plants went into the ground around a windswept dam. The reward for all the hard work was great company, an opportunity to share food, wine and ideas, and of course to eventually provide improved shelter to a local farming enterprise, Isola Chianina.


Kongwak Hills Landcare Group- We were very fortunate to have another sunny morning for our Planting Day on 29th July and a group of hard working volunteers of all ages to rejuvenate a partially cleared plantation site. Hopefully the wallaby guards will keep the resident population at bay until these small plants have taken off.

Click here to check out the Kongwak Hills Landcare group webpage


Bass Valley Landcare Group Had a planting day on the 5th August with 2000 plants going in the ground. Well done to the 25 volunteers and Seb Ellis and Kerryn Scanlon for putting on a great lunch.

Click here to check out the Bass Valley Landcare group webpage

Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation appointed as Registered Aboriginal Party


The Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council has appointed the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation (BLCAC) as a registered Aboriginal party (RAP). From 19 July 2017, BLCAC will have cultural heritage responsibilities under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 over its RAP appointed area. We look forward to working with the Bunurong Land Council into the future.

Click here to find out more about the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

Local Landcarer featured in the Bass Coast Post


Recently the Bass Coast Post featured one of our most active Landcare members, Bass Valley Landcare Group President, Lew Potter. Author Geoff Ellis tells a lovely story of how Lew came to be in the Bass Coast, with a little glimpse into life on the land, lambs, trees and weeds, including how Lew got involved with Landcare on his property.

Click here to see the full story by Geoff Ellis at the Bass Coast Post website

Partnership Agreement signed with Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority


Recently the Bass Coast Landcare Network signed a Partnership Agreement with the Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority (PPWCMA). The PPWCMA implement the Regional Catchment Strategy, advise on regional priorities, coordinate delivery of grants and support Landcare groups across the region. Although we have worked together for a long time this agreement provides a framework for an ongoing collaborative, productive relationship, improving our capacity to work together to protect natural resources in our region. Pictured top L-R: BCLN Treasurer Don Creed, BCLN Board Members Daryl Hook, Lew Potter and BCLN staff member Joel Geoghegan. Bottom L-R: BCLN Executive Officer Kellie Nichols, BCLN Chair Mike Cleeland, PPWCMA Chair Neville Goodwin, PPWCMA Executive Officer David Buntine.

Click here to find out more about the Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority

Grazfert workshops begin in Bass Coast


The first Grazfert workshop was held at the start of August in the Bass Community Hall. 18 landowners are participating in this nutrient management program funded by Melbourne Water and the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority. Thanks to Nick Dudley and John Bowman from Environment Victoria for facilitating this workshop. All participants went home with increased knowledge and more questions and will return to workshop two in September.

Connect your Landcare Group with local schools through the BCLN Environmental Detectives Program and the Victorian Government ResourceSmart Schools initiative


Our BCLN Environmental Detectives program staff are funded by ENGIE to conduct a range of fun, free facilitated environmental activities with local schools in Bass Coast and the Latrobe Valley. From tree planting days, Nature walks, Soils, Water, Birds and Bugs to seed collection, propagation and bush foods activities, we can come out to schools or take students to local reserves or beaches. We can connect your Landcare group to your local school to assist with tree planting or a tailored activity to suit something that you are working on at the moment.

Click here to find out more about the Environmental Detectives Program


ResourceSmart Schools is a Victorian Government initiative that helps schools benefit from embedding sustainability in everything they do. Schools take action to minimise waste, save energy and water, promote biodiversity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As part of this program, schools track the number of trees they plant. Over 70 schools across Gippsland are ResorceSmart members. These schools are seeking to connect with their local Landcare groups to develop long-term relationships to connect local kids to Landcare. This could mean scheduling a yearly tree planting day, working on education activities or anything your group and school work out!

Click here to find out more about the ResourceSmart Schools Initiative

If your group is interested in connecting with a local school, please contact us at [email protected]

What do you think about cats?


Here is a chance to have your say. Zoos Victoria has launched a campaign around caring for domestic cats, including a cat ownership survey which aims to understand more about the attitudes Australians hold towards domestic cats and cat ownership behaviours. The survey is open to anyone over the age of 18 who resides in Australia, regardless of whether you own a cat, and there are prizes to win! One of the aims of the campaign is to break the link between stray and feral cats, which is an important element in controlling feral cats and protecting our native wildlife.

Click here to take you to the survey

Recent Ecological Change in Australia Survey


A national online survey is being conducted by the CSIRO and the Department of the Environment and Energy, asking people with a long-term relationship with a piece of land to share observations about the features that have changed and those that haven’t. The survey will collect first hand observations, insights and stories about places – for example, stories about new species appearing, plants flowering at unusual times, or butterflies and insects appearing at different times of year.  The results will provide a unique and important historical record for Australia. You need to be able to select an area (eg a farm) and complete the survey which takes about 30 minutes.

Click here for more information and to take you to the survey


Do you want to set up or expand on your Landcare group Facebook page?


West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority are hosting workshops to learn the basics of Facebook for your Landcare group. Facebook can be an effective way of promoting events, getting new members and sharing information. The workshop will focus on building your online community, the do’s and don’ts of posts, what all the settings mean and content planning. Leongatha Workshop: Tuesday 19th September, 6.30 to 8.30pm, West Gippsland CMA Office.​ The workshops will be run by Erika McInerney from Mac&Ernie Social Media.RSVP essential: call Kathleen Brack 1300 094 262 or email [email protected] by 8th of September. A pizza tea will be provided and places are limited.

Quadbike safety rebates available for farmers


The Victorian Government is offering a $6m quad bike safety rebate scheme; either up to $1200 (GST exempt) to buy a side-by-side vehicle or a small utility vehicle (see conditions) or up to $600 (GST exempt) for approved protection devices. Both deals are for purchases post-22 July 2016. The rebate is available to farmers who live and operate a business in Victoria, have no more than 19 full-time employees, own a quad bike for work purposes and have farming as their main source of income. Farmers who are owner-operators with no employees are eligible to apply.

To find out more about this rebate administered by the VFF click here

Case Study resources available on our website


Did you know that you have access to a range of resources on our website? Each month we will introduce you to a different resource on our website including fact sheets, case studies and videos from various landholders sharing their experiences on how they have successfully tackled land management issues on their own properties. 

This month we look at the Case Studies available. Read about and learn from the experiences of your local farming community members including; Simon Park, Susan Davies, Ron Barnacle, Barry Sibly, the Thomas Family and more. 

To access the range of case studies on our website click here


Bass Coast Arc – Public Fund making projects a reality - Donate today to make a difference


The Bass Coast Landcare Network Public Fund is a regional non-profit organisation focusing on conserving biodiversity in Bass Coast. We need your donations to help fund small projects by local community groups working with the relevant Land Managers to improve public spaces and create community access.

Under the banner of “Bass Coast Arc – Community Access to Public Space” the Public Fund aims to support local community groups doing things like: Managing pest plants and animals, surveying vegetation, repairing and upgrading infrastructure, including public tracks and fences.

Be a part of this important work - Click here to donate today!


Well done and congratulations Luke on finishing your Traineeship


Coming in a couple of months under the 2-year traineeship timeframe, Luke Phillips has completed his Certificate III in Conservation and Land Management (CaLM) and his traineeship with Bass Coast Landcare Network in a faster than average time. As the 9th BCLN trainee Luke has been a very committed, personable, and friendly addition to the staff team. He is aiming to finish his Diploma in CaLM in the next 12 months, with his interest lying in the coastal restoration area (he is a surfer after all…). On behalf of BCLN congratulations Luke.

Click here to see more about our BCLN Works Crew 

Kellie Nichols on long service leave

Executive officer of the Bass Coast Landcare Network, Kellie Nichols is going on long service leave as of Monday, 21st of August for 3 months. While Kellie and her family travel through the top and west of Australia, Dave Bateman, Natural Resource Management Coordinator and Abigail Yarranton, Human Resources and Finance Manager will be taking over all aspects of her role. Dave can be contacted for all Operational queries and Abigail will be managing the Board and Governance aspects of Kellie's Role.


Each month we feature a Bass Coast Landcare Network Staff member so you can put a face to the name and learn about us and what we do. 


Abigail Yarranton

Abigail has lived in the Bass Coast for over 10 years and started with Bass Coast Landcare Network in 2013. She is currently the Human Resources and Finance Manager. Abigail has supported the Network and its member groups through its changes and transitions in a continuously fluctuating work environment.
Abigail brings to the Network an interest in both the natural environment and desire to support the community in achieving outcomes that are a benefit to all.

Click here for more information on our staff or to get into contact with any of our team. 

Tell us your stories....

We would love to hear from you and your groups with stories and photos of what's been happening in your area and suggestions of things that you would like to see in your E-news!

Dream big all across Bass Coast....

Until next month,

From the Bass Coast Landcare Network. 


Want to know more?

We want to hear from you. Find us at www.basscoastlandcare.org.au or Email us at [email protected]
and we’ll be in touch!