Northern Zen Yoga Newsletter

Yoga Flow                                 April 4th, 2021


What is Yoga Flow

Flow is a term we give in Yoga to a series of Yoga postures that are strung together in a continuous movement that is synchronized with breathing in and out.  By doing this the yoga practice becomes a form of meditation as all your focus goes into this synchronization.  

Flow Yoga is not a style typically taught to Seniors and those that are new to Yoga because it has been hijacked by those that practice a more difficult form of Yoga such as Ashtanga or Hot Yoga.  This in my opinion has been a disservice to beginners or less flexible people because the practice does not have to have any level of difficulty to be effective.

Once a sequence of movements have been practiced enough to be familiar the next challenge is to move throughout the entire practice time without stopping for move than a few breaths in Mountain Pose or Down Dog.  The benefit of this constant movement is that it will increase your metabolism, burn calories and make you sweat a little even at a more relaxed pace.   More oxygen is delivered to the internal organs and brain giving you a general feeling of euphoria and wellbeing.

Flow makes you feel good!

Another benefit of practicing flow as a Yoga style is that it helps to increase your muscle strength, balance and build a mind body awareness that you may have lost.  What does Mind body awareness mean, simply put as you think about doing something your body will respond without delay.  When we are young we take this for granted but as we age if we are not working on things like balanced movements our body looses it's ability to react instantly to correct or lift the muscles required to keep us from falling down or not being able to get up.  I found this out from personal experience before I began Yoga.  Once I started a regular Yoga practice I regained this ability fairly quickly, that's the good news.

Yoga pose of the Week:  Six Directions of the Spine


The best way to explain this weeks focused practice is by pointing you to a video that you may have seen and forgotten.  This video was designed to practice in a chair which as I have said before is just another way to get Yoga into your day whether you need a chair or not.  Six directions of the Spine is the perfect way to begin to understand how a flow practice works.  It is important to work on synchronizing your inhales and exhales as you practice.  Once you think you have it, try to speed up the movements and also practicing them without my cueing you or from memory.  This is a great stretch anytime you feel your back getting tight from sitting too long and of course you can adapt it to a sitting on a mat or standing sequence too.

Click the link below or the photo above to go to this YouTube video:

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Join the class for Live Yoga twice a week every Tuesday at 10am Eastern Standard or New York time and Friday afternoon at 1:30pm EST



I will be out on a painting trip into beautiful Algonquin Park in Ontario, Canada.  Video to share when I get back.


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