
Happy New Earth Day Light Family!

May is bringing a whole new leveling of the field. It’s packed with a soccer punch frequencies that will clear your stomach and guts out and all of this is necessary. Our whole bodies are feeling the intensity of it all, our minds are merging within our heart space and our DNA is being rewritten in a whole new way. I think we can all agree that we are all living during an incredibly epic time in the history of our world… where we said “this is it, we are doing this”…and boy are we all going through the roller coaster of transformation.

The codes that are coming through are bringing forth massive personal and collective change and transformation through the revival of our own Soul Power. We’ve been fed the misperception that power is out there, that power is something we must not have because it leads to abuse of power against humanity and although aspects of it have been true, at a core Soul level this is far from the truth. We are the ones that have the power within, we are the ones that have the ability to shift and change our outer reality through our own Light, WE are the ones that will change the planet in the most drastic and necessary way possible.

Important Days in May

Of course every day is important and each day brings forth its own unique codes and magic so I will just refer to a few. The 555 portal is coming through strong throughout the month on the 5th, the 14th and the 23rd , tune in each day to see what your body needs so you can utilize/integrate these energies in more powerful ways.

Remember that you are a portal, we are actual star and galactic portals that can open up through our heart gates and through the expansion of our own energy inside of our body. These are just dates in which the energy is amplified to assist us further in our process. The more you allow them into your body the more everything shifts and changes.

The full moon at the end of the month on the 26th is also a full lunar eclipse; another big energetic portal for more things to be revealed. When we talk about the lunar energies these bring forth feminine energies and can also bring up aspects that have been in the dark/shadow. There is much more for us to see, become aware of and these energies will shake things up personally and globally to facilitate more awareness and therefore more change. Don’t be afraid to look at these aspects, what’s been hidden, what’s been suppressed because sooner or later EVERYTHING will come up to the surface for you to see, process and dissolve and the sooner you allow and open up to this and the less resistance and judgment you hold towards it the easier and sooner it will all be cleared.

New Earth 5D

This month being the 5th month it will create more opportunities to see/feel/sense/live brand new 5D+ realities. Remember that we live in all dimensions simultaneously, we go in and out of them all the time but now it’s time to anchor more and more into the higher dimensions by holding higher frequencies inside of our body. How do we do this? By continuously and consciously clearing, releasing, cleansing every part of our body…. Yes, EVERY single organ, muscle, bone, cell, you name it. Your body is what holds/keeps you at a certain vibrational bandwith which dictates your reality, the more Light you allow your body to hold the higher it vibrates and therefore the more conscious and magical your world will be. With that being said it truly comes down to the body which is becoming your LightBody or Soul vessel. What are you feeding it? What are you saying to it? How are you treating it? What are you still holding inside of it? What experiences are you allowing it to have? Dive deeper and deeper as things come up. Everything you experience is at some level in your field and inside your physical body so it’s going to be really important for you to focus completely and entirely on it because the more that you do the more you’ll be assisting your own physical ascension process.

Use Your Senses

With the overall theme of power this month and this year, the color that came through strongly is Yellow/Gold, Orange and tints of red. Remember that as you enhance your senses you actually get to expand your consciousness as well. Go through and ask “how can I add these colors and tones into my environment, my food choices, my body, my sounds/music and everything that surrounds me?” For me I’ve been wearing clothes and jewelry that are that, I’ve been adding fruits like bananas, papayas, melons, lemons into my diet, in fact I’ve been seeing yellow buses, clothes and cars every time I go out. These colors and hues will assist in activating more of your own pure Soul power that is held deeply within. Now with the activation of these you’ll also receive the awareness of what you are still allowing in your reality that doesn’t support your power, who are you hiding/suppressing your power from, what things are sucking your Light power away, what beliefs/thoughts/mentalities are you still operating from that say power is bad and evil and so much more so just be prepare and honor it all. This is a huge part of the process, it’s not just all rainbows and butterflies, it truly takes a lot on our part because we have to go down and dirty with all the gunk and junk that we’ve been suppressing, oppressing, judging, hiding from and everything else. You’re no longer going to be able to keep that stuff hidden away and tucked in a dark corner and the more consciously you choose to see it, own it, accept it for what it is and shift it with your own Light everything changes. The stories, the memories, the people no longer have an emotional or energetic pull or trigger on you as they once did, you actually get to rewrite your entire life and no longer function from those old beliefs and stories…yes it is possible and we all have the ability to do it. We’ve all had trauma in our lives, we’ve all had to go through the ugly realms, we’ve all had to be the ‘bad’ guy in some life time but we no longer have to hold on to the energies and frequencies that still create that reality… it was part of a lesson, part of an experience, part of a karmic debt and you move on. We don’t have to keep dragging the old, we don’t have to keep reliving the old patterns

over and over anymore because that is insanity. The more you elevate your consciousness you get to see everything in a whole new way and you get to release all the emotional attachment to it and boom… it’s gone, you don’t even care, all that truly matters is the pure/divine/inner/Soul peace that you now get to hold inside and function from. Let go of everyone else that was involved or played a part, we all chose it to begin with, no one is a victim here so honor them for their agreement and clear it completely from your cellular memory. It can be a lot simpler than you think. Not to say that it won’t bring tears and rage and heavy duty emotions because it will but it’s all part of the process and the more you allow it the easier and faster it will clear.

Old Earth vs. New Earth

Choice points will continue to increase and every single one of us will be confronted with them… why? Because New Earth is a choice. Everything is a choice at some level and we get to choose where we want to function from: old earth or new earth; what do we want to experience: fear or love, what do we want to support: the old or the new, where do we want to live: stuck in the past or fully in the present? The more you choose New Earth the more you will be stepping fully as a pure conscious creator; the more you get stuck in your head, function from fear, believe old earth to be real the more your universe will need to shake you/wake you/break you so that you can remember what is pure and choose to live from who you truly are.

The more you choose New Earth the more you activate others to open up to it as well, they may not fully understand or comprehend it but they will feel the frequencies of home and they will know inside that it’s real. Don’t worry about

anyone or anything else, they have their own purposes and lessons and choices to make that may still be supporting the old and that’s ok. We have to come to a pure place inside to honor each and every single person no matter what we perceive their choices to be because if we try to force, convince or prove about anything for that matter we are still living in judgment and separation inside and one of their roles is to do/say/act in that way so that you can see that you still hold these heavy frequencies inside. So don’t judge the judgment, see it for what it is, recognize that you are still holding an aspect of your ego that is in fear, in denial, in pain, in anger or whatever other emotion it may still be holding on to and it’s super important to acknowledge it. Awareness is a key, a HUGE key for all of us and the moment we see it, honor everything that comes with it and choose not to hold that as truth then we get to shift EVERYTHING. Your ego aspect dissolves, your Higher Self aspect comes through and you are able to function from a completely new energy/dimension that holds pure peace, pure love and pure respect for every single person in your reality and their choices and trust me that is one of the most freeing places to be and live from.

Old earth will still exist because there are still people that are choosing it and calling it forth to experience a reality that will shift their lives and wake them up. Allow it. That doesn’t mean that you need to feed into it, support it or allow it into your physical reality, you just get to see it as still having an important role in the ascension of humanity and then you get back into your own New Earth reality and create this beautiful space that will become more real for more and more people. It all starts with you… you need to live from the New, supporting the New, assisting the New in all ways and fully anchoring

it in your body as a whole new template. The old world will be ‘out there’, you will see it from a distant, but you won’t be caught up in the drama and trauma of it the more you function and hold the higher dimensional frequencies inside of your body and field. If something is out of alignment you shift it, if something is unbalanced, you realign it, if some aspect goes into fear or lack again you bring it back to consciousness and still live and experience New Earth. It’s truly magical.

Body Upgrades

Our bodies will continue to upgrade, expand, evolve and transcend in every way, shape and form possible and we just need to allow it. Yes, some experiences will be bizarre, uncomfortable, painful, extreme and they all serve a purpose in the clearing, purification and expansion of our cells.

Last week it was all stomach, gut, digestion clearing. All of our emotions are being purged, our old earth support system is completely being dismantled and our Soul Power and creations are coming forth in a brand new way. It is beyond exciting but I still see a lot of people get caught in the confusion of it all, the anger, the frustration, the impatience, the mis-perceptions and it’s really important to become aware of it. What words are you saying to your body? What energy are you feeding it? What are you still holding inside? What is creating the fear and mistrust? Play with me for a bit and imagine your body is a baby or a toddler, if the toddler is going through havoc and has no idea what’s going on are you likely to feed into that energy and cause more havoc? Are you going to start panicking and yelling and drowning it the uncertainty of it or are you going to let your Higher Self aspect come

through and create a sense of peace, reassurance, calmness and trust? Your human may not know exactly what is going on or what to do or how to remedy but you just know that you have to create a space in which this child feels loved, supported and enough no matter what is going on. That is what I want to invite you to play with. Let your Higher Self aspect come through and talk to your body so that it feels safe, relaxed, comforted,nurtured amidst everything that is going on. You are not going to now everything that is occurring to your body in that moment and you have to be ok with it, all you have to do is fully surrender and completely trust in the process. Trust that your body is supporting you, your body wants to get rid of all the gunk, your cells are ready to house your Soul and clear all the old stuff once and for all. The more you allow it, the more calm you will be about the whole thing and the more you will shift your energy into pure joy and excitement even though it might feel like pure hell.

This process is not an overnight thing, nor a week or a month, it takes at least 2 or more years depending on how fully invested you are in it. So… the sooner you hold these frequencies and allow it the easier this process will be. 3D is already hell, don’t allow the beautiful and magical body upgrades that are truly happening to be perceived hell too. Have fun with it, breathe into them, use your imagination and open completely up to the experience because you are fully equipped for it.

Activation Replay and Upcoming Sessions

Lastly, I just want to thank everyone that joined me live on Wednesday and Sunday, it was truly an honor and I enjoyed it so much.If you would like to watch the replay, click below:

Watch the REPLAY

I’ll be hosting the May Activation series on Sundays and extra support sessions on Wednesdays as well for those that would like to receive more support and guidance. I still have the discounts up so feel free to click below to join:

Join the May Activation Series

I am opening up my private session schedule so if you are interested in a more in-depth, one on one energy clearing and activation session or even just a coaching and guidance session, fill out a form on the page below to book:

Private Session Book Info

Take all the codes in, let them anchor within and know that you are fully supported at this time you just have to believe it, open up to allow it and remember that you are more than enough to receive them and much much more!

I am sending you a huge wave of gratitude, blessings, love, peace and everything else!

Samantha SolBright


 P.S. Are you following me on YouTube? Subscribe below to watch my latest videos and read my activating posts!


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