Inner Leader Movement News

Choose and Live Your Heart Path

May Energy and Alignments

 Upgraded Frequencies

Downloaded Messages-Guidance 

Collective Experiences for the New Earth Emerging

Hello Beautiful Souls,

Welcome May with all the glorious magic of earth waking up and coming into full bloom!

As each flower blooms and each leaf buds from tree branches, this is the magic of nature. 

And you have the same magic as a nature spirit of this earth if you choose and choose well.

Last month the energy was about activation and application of lessons learned during the pandemic to rise above the chaos and confusion as it happens. Acting upon what is important to your heart, what resonates with your soul and releasing any loose ends that were still dangling.

This month we are being asked to follow our hearts even more closely by making choices that may be uncomfortable and stretching us beyond our boundaries. Choices that may include final elimination of relationships, habits, routines and behaviors that do not support your essence and magic. Yes, magic.

As you face the truth of your authenticity and value, your magic comes forth through your heart’s intelligence and the wisdom of your soul. As you wave your wand of self-worth and value, a new landscape appears with unlimited possibilities.

Choosing to live your heart path is always moving towards the high vibration of love, beauty, harmony and peace. Change and choice go hand in hand. Choices of heart over mind logic and ruminating negative self-talk will be more important now than ever.

The earth energy is ripe in May for planting your intentions and inspired choices. It is a time to grow a new direction, a new path that is led by heart. It will take courage and confidence yet you don’t have to do it alone. Our souls are not designed to be a lone wolf as the real power comes from our collectives we choose and create.

Connection, cooperation, collaboration and community are key for moving forward. Connection with your Above resources, cooperation Within by listening to your heart, and collaboration with your Earth-below resources of like-hearted people and the beauty of nature will bring your Inner Leader to full power. And when your Inner Leader is pumping on all cylinders of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy, magic happens!

Let’s work together this month to move forward with more courage and confidence for choosing and living a heart life path. One that brings magic, miracles and most of all the authenticity of who you are and who you are becoming.


A-W-E Highlights

Guiding Principles of the Inner Leader Movement

It's All About Alignment!

Here's a Summary...

Above: Resources of Angels, Spirit Guides, Soul Family in Light, Ancestors, Ascended Masters also referred to as the Cosmic Collective. We are becoming more aware of the invisible world of support that upgrade our points of reference and our energy grids so we can experience the magic and beauty of our present and future world. 

Within: Heart Intuitive Intelligence and Soul Wisdom highlights and teachings from Inner Leader sessions and Group Mentoring discoveries that include tips, techniques, approaches and alignments.  

Earth-below: Seasonal influences and moon cycles, nature spirit activations, work-service missions of Inner Leaders with individual-client real life success stories along with current earth energy reports.

By connecting to Above, Within and Earth-below high frequency resources as an energetic circuitry for earth living, you create       "A-W-E" that is powerful and non-stoppable.  

Here are the Inner Leader "A-W-E" 

Weekly Wisdom Within and Guidance Messages


Weekly Wisdom Mantra


ABOVE: This month’s Angels come forth with beautiful orbs of purple, green, and red. There is a magical power in colors with their beauty aligned with our inner chakra energy systems. The Angels are asking you to work with your crown, heart and root chakras. Take in their messages to your heart and experience their vibrations of love and light.

Angel for Change and Transformation: “Life is change and transformation is the foundation of change. Let your heart be the transformer powering up the soul’s wisdom chamber doors to open. Feel your crown chakra opening with violet light as guidance is revealed for making the changes necessary to live your authentic life. Transform each change with love.”

Angel for Decision and Reorientation: “Make your own decisions so that others don’t make decisions for you. Reorient direction to your heart’s intuitive intelligence and soul’s knowing. Feel into the soft, green light around your heart. Be committed to strong discipline, good boundaries and choices that require action to take root.”

Angel for Courage and Perseverance: “Courageously accept your life with all its challenges, consequences and persevere with the power of your heart and the wisdom of your soul. Connect into the red fiery passion in your belly and anchor it into your root chakra so the seeds you are planting for your heart path take root. This is an important part of persevering what your mind thinks impossible, your heart knows is possible. Trust.”


Find your collective groups of people who will uplift and charge you up to make the choices and changes necessary to illuminate your heart path. You don't have to do this alone!

Group Mentoring sessions are strong commitments of the Inner Leader Movement to bring groups together to activate heart’s intuitive intelligence and soul wisdom together. We collaborate and co-create together to magnetize and manifest our heart intentions as we choose and commit to personal authenticity and the path of essence. 

A recent testimonial from a first-time group mentoring member:

“When we do the heart guided meditations together at the start of every session, I couldn’t believe the energy I felt in our first session when we are radiating our light and love to each other. It really amazed me and solidified how powerful group collectives are!”

Inner Leader Group Mentorings are in full swing with 6-week series for 90-minutes with your group each week. A new series for “Universal Truths and Pillars of Light” starts on Wednesday, May 19th. Only 8 seats are available for this deep diving "within" experience with others that guarantees change with ease and grace.

If you are new to the Inner Leader Movement, sign up for a consultation for Group Mentoring. If you have participated in intuitive readings, Full Moon Circles or any other Inner Leader activity, reach out to me personally to join our next series. Or if you have a group you want to bring together to experience Inner Leader power, let me know.

Group Mentoring Consultation


Time to plant, plant and plant some more! New moon in Taurus is Tuesday, May 11th and a wonderful time to stabilize and harmonize our heart energy with what keeps us grounded. This dark moon is powerful for working with the earth. Let the earth support and hold your heart intentions by fertilizing new growth, projects, group collaborations and ideas. The spiritual meaning of May has a lot to do with fertility and new birth. What intentions do you want to birth with earth this month? 

As a nature spirit being, it is important to focus upon the care of your body to contribute health and well-being vibes for our earth. Our physical bodies are being upgraded to the new frequencies of light, so take heart-focused breathing breaks more often, get significant sleep, eat organic foods and move your body often. What will you do differently to take care of your beautiful, magical body?

Self-compassion, self-worth, self-love, self-expression and your inner truth are focuses for tapping into May magic. With this focused self-care, you are upgrading who you are and who you are becoming. Ground your intentions by planting seeds of your authenticity and truth into your daily routines. How will you speak up and stand strong for your truths?

Deepen your relationship with earth as a true nature spirit by planting a garden, adopting a tree friend and listening to the sounds birds and insects bring to your heart. Nature holds no judgement or stereotypes and is generous in growth of fauna and flora. Receive nature's high vibrations and energy to fuel your heart's inner power to balance, stabilize and harmonize your resiliency. 

The more energy and resiliency you have, the more you are making a difference to our earth living. Our Mother Earth and all nature beings need your high vibes, too! 


Deep Dive Offerings  

Time to Experience Your Soul's Magical Beauty!

Intuitive Readings will help you access your soul's magical beauty with guidance for your choices and changes.

Learn how to energize and radiate your heart's magical beauty with resiliency techniques through Inner Leader's 6-week one-to-one heart-focused mentoring sessions. 

Dive In

During May as you choose to live your heart path, it's important to keep your vibration high for creating your earth experiences. Keep focused upon the beautiful magic of your soul that holds Divine love, compassion, trust and peace. As you do this for yourself, you can radiate from your heart and feed the earth's energy field with greater frequencies of love and light. 

 You have the power.

You have the magic.

You are amazing.

Shine on, my friends, shine on!


Inner Leader Movement Founder
Spiritual Intuitive
Author, Mentor and Fun Activist

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