Be sure to attend or share out information for your undecided friends and family about the two upcoming debates/forums.
Cross Border Podcast - September 22, 7pm. Live on YouTube.
Conversations Among Candidates, Ward 11 Edition - September 28, 7pm. Candidates will be asking questions of each other to respond. Live on the LiveWire Calgary Facebook page.
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Over the past two weeks I have started releasing in depth posts for my platform. You can read the blog or watch them back on YouTube.
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Ticket prices are as follows:
- $11 Community Pricing: Join the online zoom call for a small donation to the campaign. No drinks, food, or gift bag, but a chance to win a door prize.
- $75 Standard: Delivery of drinks (non-alcoholic, add your own mix), a gift bag, and chance to win a door prize.
- $125 Premier: Delivery of food for one, drinks (non-alcoholic, add your own mix), a gift bag, and double the chance at door prizes.
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Missed a previous newsletter? Read past newsletters here (bottom of the page). | |