
Dear Friends,

Our tuition-free preschool in Sayulita, Mexico, serves 25 families who would otherwise not have access to an early childhood experience. Based on the Montessori model, our children aged 3-5 are learning to work together, play together and develop a genuine love of learning.

Since March, the children of Escuela have been at home. They join millions of children around the world who are missing the academic and social emotional fundamentals of learning with their peers. Our families have limited internet access, but our teachers (Dulce and Nancy) have worked hard to support them by providing exercises and subsequent feedback from photos such as the one above.

While we missed the laughter of the children during the past three months, Escuela did not remain silent. Instead, it became the first storage and distribution site for the food bank that was created by Sayulita Cares to help local families get by during these troubling times. Our mission of serving the community continued and our parents and teachers worked along with the community as volunteers. 

We all look forward to hearing that laughter again and continuing to help educate children during their most formative years. For $1500 a year, you can sponsor one child for a year. Any amount you can give will go directly to the education of the children. 

To learn more about our school, please visit us at https://www.escuelasayulita.org, and click on Donate.

We wish you and your family good health in these challenging times. 

Martha and Larry Casazza