What's New in september 2023 Welcome! President's Message Greetings Friends! In trying not to sound like a broken record, how on earth have we reached September already. This year seems to really be flying by! Hoping you are enjoying the last days of summer sunshine and hot weather! Please join us as we meet in-person for our September 14 th Membership Meeting! We have a lot of exciting news to share. We will be sharing updates of the ZI projects, mission, and goals. Greenlight Operation will be attending and sharing some updates on advocacy efforts within our state as well as briefly updating us on their progress. There will also be a fun surprise update as well. Please join us at the Penn State Harrisburg Library Conference Room for an amazing meeting!! RSVP to Kathy Gates by September 6; meal cost is $22.00. As a reminder, we need folks to help park cars at the New Cumberland Apple Festival on Saturday, September 30 th . Please email Diana Laughner if you are able to help for a few hours or the entire day. This is a great fundraiser for us to be able to support scholarships, grants, and ZI. Please, please plan to attend to help. Thanks. Please note that we will be having our October Membership Meeting via Zoom on Thursday, OCTOBER 12 th . The Greenlight Operation Gala is Thursday, October 19 th along with the DVCSP Candlelight Vigil being held on the same date. Please be aware for planning purposes. More information to follow on both events. Please feel free to Voxer or email me with any ideas you may have for the upcoming year or future. Looking forward to seeing you all at our September meeting. Cheers, Amy Membership Corner The Membership Committee met on August 8 th to plan for 2023-2024. We are hoping to recruit some new members this year who want to share the vision and mission of Zonta. There are three new committee members – Heather Jackson, Maria Todaro & Kathleen O’Malley who will join Alice Kirchner, Claudia Barry, Amy Peffley and me on the Membership Committee. We discussed ideas for spending the remaining $183.19 from the Membership Grant we received in 2021. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the September 14 th membership meeting at PSU. We are encouraging everyone to bring a guest to the meeting. This is a great opportunity for guests to hear about ZI mission and goals as revisions have been made and finalized. In response to the suggestion from Suzanne and Maria, we’re going to record our members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at the September meeting to share with ABC 27 WHTM. They air these recordings from community groups, schools and families at 11:58am weekdays We’ll have our orange ‘Zonta Says NO’ sashes at the meeting for you to wear. This is another opportunity for our community to hear from Zonta! Kathy Gates, Membership Committee Chair Events Apple Festival Parking - Saturday, September 30 th Details – Location: Diana’s business - 406 Second Street, New Cumberland. If there is on-street parking, please use that first, otherwise you can park in her lot. Diana’s office will be our base for bathrooms, food setup, etc. If you would like to bring a snack, please let Diana know. We will have water, hot dogs and sauerkraut and coffee. Please plan to arrive by 8:30, it’s not busy early, but allows time for everyone to be in place. Our Parking area; Car Wash at the corner of Front & Bridge Street and the back of Nick’s Cafe. We will collect money and direct them to parking spot – WE DO NOT PARK THE CARS. We are usually finished by about 2:00. If you can stay all day – that’s great – if only for a few hours – that’s appreciated too. If you would like to sit during the day, feel free to bring a chair along. All help is appreciated, so bring a friend, a spouse, everyone is welcome! Diana’s cell phone number in case you need it is 717-903-0126 . Please email
[email protected] to let her know if you can help and the hours you are available so we can get a schedule together. Thanks – Diana! Holiday Wreaths - - October - November 2023 The Finance Committee is working on the NEW details for this year’s Wreath Fundraiser and will supply information and tools to you in the coming weeks. Last year the club sold 391 wreaths and our goal is to surpass that number in 2023. Growing our sales increases our ability to fund year-end scholarships and distributions to local organizations and the Zonta International Foundation for Women. Member Milestones - Congratulations! Zonta Anniversary Birthdays Judy Redlawsk September 1, 1981 Kathy Gates September 10, 2015 Finance and FUNdraising The summer has flown by and Fall is just around the corner. With Fall comes colorful leaves, crisper temperatures, and indulging in all thing’s “pumpkin”! It is also a time when we gear up for Foundation Fundraisers. Upcoming fundraisers are noted in 'Events' and information on others will be shared throughout the year. We were blessed over the summer to have received $1,180 in donations! The first in June to honor Kathy Gates milestone birthday, two in July, one in honor of Karen and Wil Shirey’s 60 th Anniversary and the second from the Homeland Center Calendar Lottery. And finally in August an unexpected “thank you for all you are doing” gift. A great start to the Fundraising year! A donation in honor of birthdays, anniversaries or other special events is a great way to support the Foundation throughout the year. Donations to the Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey Foundation may be made through our website or sent anytime to: Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey Foundation P.O. Box 590 ~ Hummelstown, PA 17036 The Finance Committee appreciates your support of ZCHH-Foundation Fundraisers in support of our mission to build a better world for women and girls! Visit Our Site With this September edition, you'll notice a new email only format of the newsletter. It will continue to evolve as the newsletter editor fully develops the design and her skills!! More details will be shared at the September 14th meeting. Items for the Newsletter? We want to hear from you. Email us at
[email protected] and we’ll be in touch! Let's connect