
[Carle installation in progress]


Roxie Munro Studio

The Eric Carle Museum in Amherst, MA, is showing all the original art from Inside-Outside Dinosaurs plus storyboards, dummy, thumbnails, pencil sketches & manuscripts in the Central Gallery thru April 25, 2021!


Short animated trailer with sounds, music & colorful pics, click:  DINOS!

FREE online programs at the Carle Museum Jan 14 7pm EST for adults (info: MUNRO adults) & Feb 18 4pm EST (info: MUNRO kids)

Here's a short 2-min video the Museum Curator, Ellen Keiter, made on creating the show. Click: CARLE VIDEO


The IMPACT of teachers who mentor students. Click here: TEACHER THOUGHT

Cheryl & Wade Hudson on "The Talk - Race, Love & Truth." Click here: HUDSONS


Designing children's books during covid, including Kerry Martin, Holiday House. From PW. Click: Art Directors

Is the idea that there are different learning styles valid? Click here: PSYCH TODAY


Another short trailer with music & sounds...      Click: SLITHERY SNAKES


Art above: Holiday House book out August 10.

Free activities for kids

Explore KidLit at Home! Activities like drawing & writing; Read Alouds & Storytime; videos & short trailers; STEM & STEAM programs ...scroll thru for rich, beautifully produced short & long programs.


Click here: AT HOME!

SIX new DIVE IN coloring sheets. Click pdfs below to download these or go to DIVE IN for all...


Doing four short WORLD READ ALOUD DAY (Feb 3rd) online school visits in NJ, MA, and HI. I've created lively, informative, illustrated online school programs for DIVE IN (fish!) & RODENT RASCALS among other books. Check out my CILC (Center for Interactive Learning & Collaboration) page or for info, click: virtual online school & library visits.

My blog focuses on children's books & publishing (copyright issues, nonfiction gamification, making apps, informational vs nonfiction children's books, COPPA, conferences, more). Click here: RX BLOG

My YouTube Channel has more than 36 videos on publishing, how-tos, kid reviews, book trailers, apps, interviews (at conferences, libraries, schools), KidLit TV Read Alouds & Storymakers: Roxie's YouTube

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