Personal Growth Reminder

~ Letting go & Letting in ~ 

A big part of life is recognizing when it's time to let go of certain things so we can let in something new, more fulfilling to take its place.

A journaling prompt I love (particularly when I feel weighed down) is "What do I want to let go of?" or "What is weighing me down?"

Think about the things, beliefs, opinions, feelings, memories, regrets, experiences, people, habits, etc. that feel heavy, burdensome, and unnecessary. Let yourself write until nothing else comes to mind.

Notice how you feel after putting those burdens down. Let yourself be in this lighter state, and from that place ask yourself," What do I want to let in?" or "What do I want more of?"

Let all the things, beliefs, opinions, feelings, memories, regrets, experiences, people, habits, you would love to let in come to you. You don't need to force answers, rather let them arise from this unburdened state you're in. Notice how it feels to let in all that goodness. 


Self-Care Invitation

~ Make Yourself Cozy ~ 

I love September! And not just because it's my birthday month! :)

September makes me think of all the cozy things, and since I am basically a grandma at heart, coziness is my love language. To me, cozy is all about the warm and fuzzy comfort and rest that feels good and nourishes the soul.

And as much as I love these moments, I also tend to resist them. When I notice there is something I long for and resist at the same time, I know it's an invitation for growth, exploration, and unlearning. There's always something to unlearn - so fun!;) I continue to remind myself that rest isn't complacent, passive, or unsafe. It also doesn't need to be earned or justified. So this season, I am taking care of myself by prioritizing rest and comfort.    


Advice You Didn't Ask For 

~ Ask For What You Want! ~

Have you noticed that sometimes you expect something from people even though you never told them what the expectations were?

Many of us have the belief that others "should" somehow know what we want and think even though we never directly expressed it. We think hints would be enough for someone to understand what is going on in our minds. The reality is that no one is aware of our desires and expectations unless we tell them. Our partners or family or friends might be good at guessing, predicting, or assuming, but it's not fair to expect them to actually know what we want from them.

Check in with yourself: What are you afraid would happen if you ask for what you want?


Self Check-In

~ Making Space For All of You ~

All of us have an intrinsic need to be heard, seen, and understood. It can be hard to regularly make space for ourselves to be heard and seen, or maybe we don't have the support or self-reflection practices to untangle all that is going on in our minds. Talk therapy allows us to do just that.

It's an intentional space to let out our worries and burdens, gain new perspectives, and make space for all parts of ourselves. Each session is an opportunity to shed light on our innermost thoughts, gain clarity, and understand ourselves better.

Find out more about psychotherapy


Quote I'm Reflecting on

“We all walk in shoes that are too small for us.” ~ Carl Jung

Question I'm Considering

"What truth am I avoiding right now?"


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