OCTOBER 20, 2021


Sitting with an Elder Update

Earlier this week: We posted a note about Maria’s 2022 Webinar Series: Sitting with an Elder, and we wanted to let you know that we’ve worked out three ways to participate: 1 time payment for all 6 Webinars; 12 monthly subscription payments for all 6 Webinars; the pay only for the Webinars you want to attend!


Why do we do ceremony?
Cleaning up our intentions.

Let's be honest, why do you go to ceremony?  An energetic healing that lasts?  An energetic high that helps you feel more optimistic?  A power surge that's like nothing explainable? 

So are you doing it for you?  Is your intention for you or to heal the Changing Mother Earth… esonkñhsendehí?  Hmmm, it's a question I've posed many times over the years.  I'd like to propose an experiement for our upcoming Year of Compassion that begins November 4th 2021 (my 67th birthday)… and that is that you fine tune your intention when entering ceremony a little bit.  Consider it a tweak, not really much of a change.  If you make it too big, it won't happen.

So here's the thought…

  • First reason for going to ceremony: to be there to help ease Mother Earth's changes.  Our prayers and ritual actions, gifted to us by the ancestors are designed to keep the planet turning in evolution.
  • Second reason for going to ceremony: in focusing our intention on healing the Mother we find that the high, the boost, the healing we get is 10 times more powerful.
  • Third reason for going to ceremony: by finding that extra 10 times more power in our connection to the Earth, she then takes the energy generated, out along the magnetic web and distributes it to others in need of healing.  SHOCK, within a few days we can actually experience this within our immediate circles, without actually having to spend much time looking for it.

PAYOFF: All of Life Aligns and we move into a four year period of miraculous.  It's that easy.  What do you choose to look at?


What we're


Delightful, illuminating healing at its best – containing experience and insight for living life in full thrill of the adventure.  Do it!
- Dr. Thomas Berry

The Power of Connection

His eyes flashed and thunder echoed the canyon, Grandpa called the rains, praying and singing.  The 90 year old Elder worked outside of time and space: on the Edge of Reality.

One morning, at sunrise, I followed close behind him…


We went on a zoo photowalk with Robin and I got to teach the kids there how to yang'ai a rattlesnake!


We had FOUR Blessing and Naming Ceremonies, affirming life and all the babies!


Some of our Turtle Womyn came in for a Rite of Respect camp, and we enjoyed sacred crafts


My best friend since high school, George, came for a visit. Next time he brings his bagpipes!

Life with the Shimas

This last few weeks have been blessed – children being named, people working in the gardens with us, sisters initiating into their next steps, and old friends touching base.

Lynda's photos document our lives…




#ColorandConnect with games, activities & information @ our Connect to the Earth Facebook Group - Great for all ages!

The Frog always was there to let us know when the moisture was back in the land, and the storms were on the way.  Winter loomed on the horizon with their symphonies in the canyon, and we purified our lives for the Winter Dreams of New.


  • Say the prayer/affirmation to the great outdoors.  There's one each for morning and night.  Do it every day if you can.  You'll find it every satisfying once it settles into you.
  • After you've said your prayer, watch for it… something will appear… an animal, a breeze, a reflection off a stone… She will speak back to you with a sensation of recognition.

So how do you feel?  This is the way we were taught to start each morning, and engage our Ancestors in sweeping our path free of challenges.


good morning Grandfather

I lift others energetically, and with this lifting comes healing.  The illusions that clouded our visions and blocked our manifesting are released in sacred Rites of Passage.  Our next lunar cycle begins our New Year.  This then is my gift to the world.  I am a Teacher.


good night Grandmother

I am on the verge of rebirth, a shift in position.  I don't know who comes, but it doesn't matter.  Instead of stressing, I exist in the NOW.  I am grateful to renew my vision and path with the higher knowledge of the universal scheme.  I hear the Guides and Ancestors, and with joyful heart I honor this connection.  Death and rebirth are not an ending.  By design I move forward – I measure the passage of time, each rite of passage, in life affirming celebration, and in doing so turn the Wheel of Evolution.

and so ends another good day in my life.

reserve your space

Here are the next six upcoming events with shima Maria.  All require pre-registration as space is limited.  Most are held through a zoom class format, but not all. 

  • November 20th • 6-9 pm pdt • ZOOM
    EarthCeremony: Mother of Us All                            VIEW
  • November 24th • 9-10 am pdt • ZOOM
    5 consecutive Wednesdays

    Sitting with an Elder Webinar: Ancestral Fires           VIEW
  • December 12th • 9-10 am pdt • ZOOM
    5 consecutive Wednesdays

    Sitting with an Elder Webinar: [EarthHealing] Tune In:
    Sacred Art Healing
  • December 18th • 6-9 pm pdt • ZOOM
    EarthCeremony: Space Echo                                   VIEW
  • January 19th • 6-9 pm pdt • ZOOM
    EarthCeremony: Laughing at the Moon                    VIEW

This newsletter has been curated and edited by #teamshima.


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Books Audio Ceremony Study

© 2007, Yraceburu EarthWisdom

Imagine Gaining the Wisdom and Strength of Earth Through Connecting Ancient Relationships and Earth Wisdom with renowned prayermaker, storyteller & teacher Maria Yraceburu