Congratulations to our Senior Club Champion, Babe Hansen. In our net division there was a tie between Diane Philbin and Kristin Box; Diane won in a play off. Also, congratulations to July Golfers of the Month: First Flight – Kristin Box and Janet Cantor, Second Flight - Bonnie Bruce and
Mary Lou Alves, Third Flight – Helen Lickley and Betty Pettit, Nine Holes – Kris Roy and Dar Wagner. August Golfer of the Month tournament will follow our 8:30 am General Meeting on August 2nd.
Our next big event is the Club Championship on August 12th and 13th. We encourage everyone to play.
The Money for MSTI/Guest Day is August 16th. This two lady best-ball will have an eighteen hole play beginning at 9:00 am and a nine hole play beginning at 10:30 am. The fee will be $15 ($10 donation and $5 play of the day). The donations stay 100% local. A no host luncheon will follow play. This is a perfect time for you to invite a friend to play our course as there will not be green fees.
Save the date: our Ladies Eclectic Invitational is September 5th and 6th. The best tournament around includes full pay-out, fewest putts and closest to the pin(each flight), dinner, breakfast, lunch, and fun, fun, fun!