As we all know, 2016 ended on a very high note for our state and country with amazing election results. If our club is to continue to grow and thrive, your help is greatly needed. Together, we can make that happen.
Please consider volunteering for a Star Republican Women committee. We need many volunteers to help our committees accomplish their objectives.
AWARDS – Chairman Annette Burton
Purpose: To encourage SRW to participate in TFRW and NFRW Excellence awards programs.
Purpose: To ensure that SRW Bylaws are current and comply with the requirements of TFRW and NFRW. To assist the President in running meetings and have knowledge and training in parliamentary procedure.
Purpose: To coordinate campaign activities and help elect Republicans. Keeps SRW up to date with information regarding candidates, campaign schedules, platforms and headquarters. Organizes volunteers for GOP County headquarters, helps arrange “Meet the Candidates” forums and reports campaign volunteer hours to TFRW.
CARING FOR AMERICA – Chairman Bebe Piatt
Purpose: To identify community needs and select one or more projects for membership involvement. Encourage volunteerism and private sector initiatives as important objectives; and keep volunteers interested and motivated.
CHAPLAIN – Shannon Thomas
Purpose: Lead the invocation and pledges at all meetings.
HOSPITALITY – Chairman Kathy Stahl
Purpose: To oversee facility arrangements for each general meeting. To recruit members to provide food and beverages for complimentary luncheon at general meetings.
LEGISLATION – Chairman Tomi MacDonald
Purpose: Helps keep SRW informed about important legislative issues and how members can, as individuals, stay current and lobby on issues effectively.
LITERACY COMMITTEE – Chairman Leah Santry
Purpose: To select appropriate books for presentation to public libraries, schools and other organizations in the Hill County and coordinate with TFRW and NFRW to meet requirements so the donations will qualify for awards programs. Work with Public Relations Committee to prepare press releases about presentations.
MEMBERSHIP – Vice President Emily Tobin
Purpose: To recruit, encourage and mentor new members. Provide nametags for each member and keep an updated and current roster of all members.
NEWSLETTER – Editor Mary Lou Kromer
Purpose: To compile a newsletter to provide timely information to members about club events and activities.
PROGRAMS – Vice President Denise Rives
Purpose: To provide programs/speakers who will showcase Republican principles and issues; attract new members and maintain existing members; educate and keep members updated on issues of local, state and national importance.
PUBLIC RELATIONS – Chairman Mary Lou Kromer
Purpose: To provide information and photos to local media outlets in a timely manner to gain recognition of SRW activities and promote membership and participation.
WAYS & MEANS – Chairman Jo Ellen Henderson
Purpose: To develop and execute fundraising events for SRW and promote member participation.