
Communion Sunday, October 14

  • 9:15 am Adult Classes/God's Adventure Club. Nursery available. 
  • Current Adult Classes:
    • Jesus Among Secular Gods (meets downstairs in the preschool)
    • Singing and Praying the Psalms (meets in the fellowship hall)
  • 10:30 am Worship Service
    • Pastor Mark will begin a new series:  "Until Christ is Formed in You" This Sunday he will preach from Luke 24:13-16, Ephesians 4:1-16
    • Second offering will be taken for Classis PNW Safe Church Fund

Communion. Hospitality. Love.

Last Spring, Pastor Mark taught us about the practice of an agape feast in the early church. This was a fellowship meal, a communal meal that often accompanied the sacramental communion meal. And all of this is done in remembrance of Jesus

Through the summer we have intentionally extended our Communion Sunday mornings to include a communal meal. And those picnic meals have been a delight! We have laughed together, we have met new folks, we have watched all our children run and play, and we have feasted.

As we move into a season predicating indoor celebrations of the community we share, we would like to encourage you to invite someone home for lunch, or out for lunch, or a walk in the woods. This Sunday as we remember Christ in our communion meal, are you ready to extend the celebration? How will you fellowship with other believers this Sunday afternoon?

The gospel has a response to #metoo


"Safe Church Ministry equips congregations in abuse awareness, prevention, and response. It helps build communities where the value of each person is honored; where people are free to worship and grow free from abuse; and where abuse has occurred, the response is compassion and justice that foster healing." - www.crcna.org/safechurch

This Sunday, October 14th, the second offering will be in support of the Safe Church Fund for Classis PNW.  

If you would like more information about Safe Church Ministry or being part of OCRC's safe church team, please email [email protected]

Operation Christmas Child Shoe box season is here. Boxes filled with gifts are given to children in desperate situations around the world through the Samaritan’s Purse organization. Our GEMS and Cadets will be packing boxes on November 4 and are seeking donations of shoe boxes, school supplies, toiletries, toys, stuffed animals & clothes for ages 2-14.  See the display in the fellowship hall or Darlene Soost for more details.

10/14-11/4: collecting donations

11/7: GEMS & Cadets packing party

11/18: Packed boxes due

Like to know more about City Gates Ministries?  Have a fun evening including an auction and dinner?  Here’s your opportunity!  The deacons are sponsoring a table for 8 at the Planting Seeds of Compassion event on Oct. 20.  Doors open at 4:30 at Westwood Baptist.

If you would like to be 1 of the 8, let Jim Denyer or one of the deacons know as soon as possible.


Youth Announcements


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