Get ready to level up!

Hi guys. We are excited to announce that we are all set to offer to you the best-riding Electric Longboards, and parts so you can build your own dream-board. Here are the schedules and updates.


V3 Pre-Order

Starting Monday, Feb. 20, CARVON V3 motors complete set will be available to pre-order, they will start shipping in May. More details will be on the website's store page.


10 units of CARVON EVO for Pre-Order

This is for the few that do not want to pledge in our Kickstarter campaign for some reasons, but still would like to purchase the CARVON EVO. It's the same as the Early Bird reward. EVO will start shipping in July. More details will be on the website by Feb. 20.


EVO4 will not be available as a complete

Due to the high-current demand of the 4 motors on the EVO4, only Lithium Polymer (LiPo) battery packs can provide the needed amps and still maintain a medium-weight board. But LiPo packs need extra care and experience in handling, or they can do some serious damage. That's why we will not be offering them as a complete anymore. But DIY builders can still build their own by purchasing our V3 motors. 


CARVON R/EVO and Kickstarter launch

The R/EVO will not be available for Pre-Order as we will need substantial funding for it. We will submit our project to Kickstarter on Feb. 27. Exact launch date will depend on Kickstarter as they review our submission. This process usually takes 1-3 days. Please help us reach our funding goals and spread the word out by telling your friends or forwarding this email to them. Thanks guys!