www.starrw.org The Star Republican News November 2016 Rep. Andrew Murr, Dist. 53 SRW to Meet Nov. 15 Quail Point Lodge 12:30 p.m. Lunch 1:00 p.m. Program This will be our first Post-Election meeting so don't miss it! Our Texas Representative Andrew Murr will be our featured speaker. UPCOMING EVENTS CALENDAR Rep. Andrew Murr to Speak Nov. 15 Texas Representative Andrew Murr, Dist. 53, will speak to Star Republican Women at our Tuesday, November 15 annual meeting at Quail Point Lodge in Horseshoe Bay. Republican Andrew Murr represents Bandera, Crockett, Edwards, Kerr, Kimble, Llano, Mason, Medina, Menard, Real, Schleicher and Sutton Counties in the Texas House of Representatives. Murr was elected to the Texas House of Representatives in 2014 and is seeking reelection in November. He is currently a member of the Transportation Committee and its Subcommittee on Long-Term Infrastructure Planning, as well as the Culture, Recreation & Tourism Committee, and the Rules & Resolutions Committee. In addition, he is one of only two House members serving on the Texas Judicial Council. He also serves on the House Select Committee on Mental Health, which held hearings around the state this summer. Rep. Murr was raised on a working ranch in Kimble County. He graduated from Junction High School and then earned a degree with highest honors from Texas A&M University in Agricultural Development, obtaining his teacher certification. Later he received his law degree with highest honors from the Texas Tech University School of Law. While studying at Texas A&M, he spent time in Washington D.C. working on agricultural and natural resource policy issues, and in Austin as an Assistant Committee Clerk for the Texas House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee. After passing the state bar exam, Rep. Murr worked for one of Texas’ largest law firms in Dallas before returning home to Junction to establish a general law practice. Subsequently, he was elected Kimble County Attorney and then Kimble County Judge. In 2011, while serving as County Judge, Governor Rick Perry appointed him to the Concho Valley Regional Review Board. He also chaired his judicial district’s Juvenile Board, composed of district and county judges who supervise juvenile probation matters throughout several counties. FOR MORE ABOUT REP. MURR GO TO: www.AndrewMurr.org . Don't Forget to Vote! Find out where you can vote early through Nov. 4 or on Election Day Nov. 8. And take special care before you hit the "Cast Ballot" button to make sure your vote is cast as you want it to be cast. Read Now Time to Renew Your Membership! It's time to renew your membership with Star Republican Women and Texas Federation of Republican Women. Dues are $25 for members and $15 for associates. Download the 2017 Membership Form and bring to the next meeting or mail to address on form. Membership Form SRW Holiday Luncheon Set for December 13 Star Republican Women will host the 2016 Holiday Luncheon at Escondido Golf & Lake Club at 9090 FM2147 in Horseshoe Bay on Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 11:30 a.m. Tickets are $25 per person. Lunch, dessert, coffee and tea are included. Alcoholic beverages will be available at extra cost, credit card preferred. Free valet parking will be available. Special guests Senator Troy and Linda Fraser will be honored, and Senator Fraser will preside over the installation of our 2017 officers. Buy your tickets early to make sure you have a reservation! Download the Reservation Form and bring it to our upcoming meeting or mail to address on form. ( Remember, this luncheon is the second Tuesday of December, one week earlier than our typical third Tuesday meetings. ) Please make reservations and payment by December 6. Be sure to make your checks to: Escondido Golf & Lake Club. Holiday Luncheon Reservation Form SRW to Elect 2017 Officers in November Star Republican Women will elect 2017 officers at its November 15 Annual Meeting. The SRW Nominating Committee comprised of Claudia Haydon, JoEllen Henderson, Sanny Sue Hoffman and Nancy Fisher, presented a slate of officers for consideration at the October meeting: President: Gennie Ward 1st Vice President: Denise Rives 2nd Vice President: Emily Tobin Secretary: Kathy Hussey Treasurer: Caron Drake Additional nominations will be accepted from the membership at the Nov. 15 prior to voting on the nominees. Mary Lou's Message We have just a few days left of early voting and Election Day is next week, November 8! It feels like this Presidential campaign has lasted a decade, and I am sure we will all be glad when it is over. We can take a respite from all the political ads and non-stop media coverage. I personally want to thank all of you for your continued support of Star Republican Women and most importantly, the Republican Party. Many have worked countless hours to support candidates, register voters, staff polling places, participate in rallies and party conventions, make calls, stuff envelopes and encourage others to vote. We all hope that the GOP has a lot to celebrate on the evening of Nov. 8. No matter the outcome, we cannot rest long. We must continue to build our Party, demand accountability of our elected officials and fight for freedom and liberty! My friend and fellow SRW member Nancy Cobb reminded us at our October meeting how important it is for us all to continue our work for the GOP and to protect the very principles upon which our nation was founded. I thought it worth sharing again the Ronald Reagan quote Nancy recited: "Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction -- we didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on to them to do the same. Or one day, we will spend our sunset years telling our children and children's children what it was once like in the United States when men were free." I think there is one clear outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election Cycle -- the Republican Party is dramatically changing. Now, more than ever, we need to speak up, take action, and help ensure that the changes are for the good. We are fortunate in Llano and Burnet Counties that we have good GOP leaders and elected officials who embrace the founding principles of our nation. I believe they are well grounded in their thinking and their doing. So they -- AND WE -- should be able to help beyond our county borders to shape our Party regionally, at the state and even national level. The fact that Texas became a Pink State in this election is a warning for the future. We MUST begin to build, or perhaps rebuild, our Party -- to attract those who don't look like us, talk like us and maybe think a little differently than us but who strongly believe in protecting the founding principles of this nation. We cannot afford to get so focused on battling one issue or another only to find we have lost the war. So enjoy your election night party -- as we will have many Republican winners. Then, take some time off from politics to be with your family and friends during the upcoming Holidays. And get ready for 2017 to put your carpenter clothing on -- to build a truly Grand Ole' Party again! Mary Lou Kromer President, Star Republican Women Legislative Report By Nancy Fisher, Legislative Committee Chairman What State Official Gets Elected with Only 76 Votes? One of the first votes a House member will take after being sworn in next January is a vote for the House Speaker. With only 150 members voting on State Official #3, 76 votes will get you elected. The Republican majority House elected the first Republican Speaker in over 130 years in 2003. If Republicans still maintain majority in the House in January, we should again see a Republican Speaker. Many Republican House members may have already decided who they will vote for in the speaker election and with only one declared candidate, it looks to me like Republican Joe Straus will again be elected Speaker. Let’s look for a minute why a vote for the Speaker is important to a house member and their district. House members are assigned their committees by the Speaker. So a no vote for the Speaker could mean disappointing committee assignments. Committee assignments are important to members because often their committees shadow their district’s issues or the member’s expertise. Membership on the House Natural Resources Committee for example will allow that committee member to actively participate in legislation which could directly affect the LCRA and the Highland Lakes. And as you know those issues are important to our area. It’s easy to criticize one’s vote for House Speaker as not conservative enough or not prolife enough. Take a minute in the future to think about the Republican ticket in the Texas House just like our Republican ticket for president. As Republicans we need to support those at the top of our ticket. Campaign Hours Please report your campaign volunteer hours to Charlotte Hewitt, chairman of Campaign Activities Committee. We want you and our Club to get recognition for all the hard work our members do to support our Party and candidates. Email all your volunteer hours to
[email protected]. SRW 2016 Officers & Board President: Mary Lou Kromer First VP: Gennie Ward Second VP: Nancy Cobb Secretary: Tari Pilgreen PAC Treasurer: Beverly Graham Awards: Sue Glover Bylaws: Louraine Robertson Parliamentarian: Beverly Graham Campaign Activities: Charlotte Hewitt Caring for American: Bebe Piatt Chaplain: Sanny Sue Hoffman Hospitality: Claudia Haydon Legislation: Nancy Fisher Literacy: Kathy Hussey Newsletter: Mary Lou Kromer Ways & Means: JoEllen Henderson Political advertising paid for by Star Republican Women PAC, PO Box 8675, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657, ( www.starrw.org ) a non-profit organization under Section 527 of the IRS Code. Contributions to Star Republican Women are NOT tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income purposes. Corporate contributions