Monday Night!


tommorow night at 7 p.m.

Tomorrow night, please join us for a very informative presentation by South Carolina elections experts Laura Scharr and Julie Baker.  They are among the hard working leaders fighting for election integrity, transparency, and access in our state.  You will hear an updated summary on the cast vote record (CVR) lawsuit, details of the most egregious findings of the Legislative Audit Council report, and the progress being made in Columbia for real reform.  

We will also be discussing the progress of the recent Call-to-Action bills, particularly those involving election integrity and health freedom.

Please try to be there tomorrow night.  I look forward to seeing you!

God bless you all!



Burnsview Baptist Church

9690 Reidville Road

Greer, SC  29651


Call to Action!

Continue the pressure for last week's list of bills!

SC Medical Freedom Act (S975)

gets a hearing on Wednesday at 10 a.m.!

Call members of the Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee and ask that they SUPPORT S975!  It would be easier to pass S965 (also receiving a hearing on Wednesday), a much weaker bill attached to federal CARES Act money for the Dept. of Public Health (formerly DHEC) and MUSC.  S965 is a  renewal of Act 142 which used our tax dollars to fund unemployment benefits and COVID-19 testing for workers in the state discriminated against based upon a their "vaccine" status. State senators will get strong opposition on S975 from the chambers of commerce, pharmaceutical and medical industry lobbyists, and insurers.

 They need to HEAR FROM YOU!

Tom Corbin
Ronnie Sabb
Deon Tedder
Richard Cash
Billy Garrett
Danny Verdin
More detail on Bills

Don't Forget to Call Your Legislators!

Powerful "Secretary of Health and Policy"

"Constitutional Carry" and "Compassionate Care"

among the list of issues for this week!

Without major amendments to these bills, the risks outweigh 

the benefits.  Voice your opposition NOW!

How can they know where you stand unless you speak up?

Visit Website for details

Help a Candidate

Representatives Rob Harris and Josiah Magnuson are reaching out for volunteers.  RSVP to the numbers on the flyers if you plan to attend either event.  Give time and donations to your favorite legislators whenever you can!

New Spanish edition of Call to Action!


Calendar of events