Things I found, things I am saving for winter

Cory's Pinecone Mound

Hi Fam! Here are some valuable things I found this week:

The Crane Girl

The Crane Girl is a Japanese folktale retold and illustrated as a picture book. This version is a little more gentle than others I have heard and the ending is pleasant. The real value of this book is in the beautiful illustrations, which take lessons from classical fine art. 
Adapted By Curtis Manley
​Illustrated By Lin Wang

  • The illustration podcast, 3-Point Perspective, released an episode about dealing with failure. Here is a quote they threw out:

"You will do well to cultivate the resources in yourself that bring you happiness outside of success or failure." -Bill Watterson

  • Would this tool help you get over your writer's block?
  • Through April, I am going to interview one writer or illustrator a week on my blog. If you are interested in participating, drop me a line​.

"Form follows function--that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in spiritual union." -Frank Lloyd Wright

Have you ever wondered what to do with line breaks in a picture book? If so you are not alone. The answer is related to function. Consider this poem I just wrote:

Just because

you break (your lines)

doesn't make it


It's a little self-deprecating. The difference between a poet and someone who is not a poet, is that the poet knows why they use poetic devices. Give your form a function and be consistent about it.



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