Calling all Landholders for new projects!

Although this year’s planting season has barely just begun, it’s time to start thinking about plans for next seasons plantings and land management works. We have just updated information on our website outlining the process for implementing Landcare projects on your land. We encourage you to have a look and to get thinking about what you would like to do.

The more information we have at this stage on your plans for future works, the better. Then we can be prepared to submit appropriate funding applications to government and other funding sources in order to get the resources to help make your project plans a reality.

Click here to take you to ‘Undertaking a revegetation project – the process’ to give you more information. You can also find links to our online Expression of interest forms and fill this out with your plans today.


Click on the links for event information and booking details.

Community Treeplanting Calendar updated


We have now updated more details on our Community Tree Planting Calendar for this year and would love to see you at any one of the days being held all across Bass Coast this year.

From the hills to the ocean, there are over 20 days organised between now and September to choose from, with a record of over 205,000 plants to get into the ground this year alone. Landholders appreciate all the help they can get to undertake the huge task of restoring our landscapes and are happy to provide a bbq or lunch as part of the day on their property. 

Bring your family and friends along and be a part of a Community Planting day near you. What a great chance to get out and meet others on the land, check out other properties in Bass Coast and get fit and healthy all at the same time.

Click here for the updated Community Tree Planting Calendar for 2017

Hosting a Community Planting day?

Tips for successful community planting days


We have now added a file to our website to assist Landholders who may be hosting a community planting day. The ‘Planting guidelines for Landholders and tips for successful community planting days’ document explains how to get ready to host a day and make it easier for yourself and the volunteers assisting on the day. We hope this helps your day become a great success!

Click here to access the ‘Planting guidelines for Landholders and tips for successful community planting days’ document.

Gippsland Intrepid Landcare’s first planting event!


Gippsland Intrepid Landcare's FIRST EVER EVENT!!!! Woohoo!!! :)

If you’re between the ages of 18 to 35 and you want to make a difference by helping plant indigenous trees to restore habitat, this is your event! You don’t need any experience! You’ll get to hang out in the fresh air, meet cool people, make a difference, eat some delicious food and contribute to a massive revegetation project of 24,000 indigenous plants!

Lunch will be provided by Udder and Hoe, a local food hub based in Kilcunda. There’s options to stay over and get a lift if you need it, make sure you wear sturdy shoes, bring a rain jacket, a water bottle and camping gear if you are going to camp.

We can't wait to get our hands dirty and hope to see you all at our first event!

Click here for more info on this event

Click here to become a member of the Gippsland Intrepid Landcare Group


Korumburra Landcare Group – 1000 plants wallaby guarded at Outtrim


Korumburra Landcare kicked off its planting season on the 24th of June with a community planting day at the Outtrim Recreation Reserve. The planting was a combined event with Korumburra Landcare, the Outtrim Reserve Committee and the local community. We had a fantastic turnout of 30  volunteers on a typical South Gippsland day, one minute sunshine the next rain, to plant and guard 1000 plants.

The guards made it a challenging planting as they stand 1 metre tall and require 2 stakes, (one hard wood). The guards were essential as Outtrim Reserve hosts a solid wallaby population. The planting was completed right on noon and all headed back to the Reserve Hall where they were treated to a wonderful lunch put on by the Reserve Committee. Special thanks to Dave Bateman for his coordination of plants, guards and scheduling.    

Click to find out more about the Korumburra Landcare Group

Bass Coast Shire New Councilors Tour Day


Bass Coast Shire Council’s new Councilors were given an insight into the rural sectors on the 5th of July with a tour across the network visiting Landcare member’s farms and learning about the work that Landcare does within their communities. Councilors enjoyed their tour and were amazed at the variety and amount of work being conducted that their funding helps to support. The tour included a visit to ‘Bimbadeen’ farm on Phillip Island, pictured is Stephen Davie explaining their mixed enterprise operations and long involvement with Landcare.

For more information on Investment opportunities and Partnerships please click here

3 Creeks planting season kicks off


3 Creekers gathered together at Priscilla Alderton's over two weekends in July, planting 3000 plants in two revegetation sites in gullies on Bridge Creek. The plantings were funded through the ‘Increasing and enhancing the area of habitat for Swamp Antechinus through targeted revegetation’ Threatened species grants. As always lunch is one of the most important parts of these days, thanks to Priscilla and Doug the planters enjoyed a delicious lunch.

Click here for more on the 3 Creeks Landcare Group on our website


Video resources available on our website


Did you know that you have access to a range of resources on our website? Each month we will introduce you to a different resource on our website including fact sheets, case studies and videos from various landholders sharing their experiences on how they have successfully tackled land management issues on their own properties. 

This month we look at the videos available. If you are interested in landslips, dam blowouts, the Powlett Catchment, soil erosion or Land Stewardship click the link below to view the videos available.

To access our range of videos please click here ​


Thousands of plants and 16km of fencing to do… Call in the Green Army!


We have been lucky enough to get one of the last Green Army teams in Australia, promised to BCLN during the last Federal Election. This promise has been vital for developing a project and securing two state grants for the first stage of predator proofing the 16km Lang Lang Holden Proving Ground perimeter fence – protecting diverse fauna by adding a skirt to stop foxes and cats from getting under.

They will also be essential for achieving a successful planting season, with 205 000 plants scheduled to go in across the network. So, we are very happy to have the Green Army, and if you see Skye and the team of 9 please make them welcome.

Action at the River Garden


Things are starting to happen at Bass Coast Landcare Networks River Garden site! Swales are being shaped for the orchard and black plastic being put down to solarise Kikuyu. Thanks to the Chisholm Tafe (Wonthaggi campus) students, Work for the Dole and local landowner Joe Tumino for their hard work and support. The River Garden site is slowly taking shape.

Watch this space for notice of Community days we are currently planning. We would love to get your input to shape this site for the future.

Click here for more information on the River Garden

Bass Coast Arc – Public Fund making projects a reality - Donate today to make a difference


The Bass Coast Landcare Network Public Fund is a regional non-profit organisation focusing on conserving biodiversity in Bass Coast. We need your donations to help fund small projects by local community groups working with the relevant Land Managers to improve public spaces and create community access.

Under the banner of “Bass Coast Arc – Community Access to Public Space” the Public Fund aims to support local community groups doing things like: Managing pest plants and animals, surveying vegetation, repairing and upgrading infrastructure, including public tracks and fences.

Be a part of this important work - Click here to donate today!


Each month we feature a Bass Coast Landcare Network Staff member so you can put a face to the name and learn about us and what we do. 


Kellie Nichols

Starting with the Network in 2002 as a field officer, Kellie has worked in a broad range of roles. Kellie is now the Executive Officer of the Network. Kellie brings to the Network a wealth of technical, leadership and management skills, as well as extensive local knowledge of the Network's people, groups and environments.

Click here for more information on our staff or to get into contact with any of our team. 

Tell us your stories....

We would love to hear from you and your groups with stories and photos of what's been happening in your area and suggestions of things that you would like to see in your E-news!

Happy Planting Season!

Until next month,

From the Bass Coast Landcare Network. 


Want to know more?

We want to hear from you. Find us at www.basscoastlandcare.org.au or Email us at [email protected]
and we’ll be in touch!