May 2-June 16, 2019 SMOKE & MIRRORS - Zara Monet Feeney a curious visual experience in reflexive looking showcasing the guest artist's studioship installation. Click here to learn more.
Opening Reception
Thursday, May 2 - 5:30-7:30 (Food Truck Nite) - Free
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Come celebrate Mother's Day with us!
Saturday, May 4 3-5 pm
An afternoon of champagne, snacks and art making with flowers! During this workshop we will discover the wonders of natural dye while using the eco-dye technique. Using local, seasonal flowers we will create beautiful colors and prints on natural fabrics and all leave with a hand dyed silk scarf. No prior art experience necessary! All supplies included.
$45 per person - $40 for members. Reservation Required. Space is limited. Click here to sign-up today or contact 805.385.8171 or email
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Saturdays - May 4, 11, 18
10:30 am-12noon ages 7-11 In these workshops, kids familiarize themselves with the seven elements of art (line, shape, form, color, value, texture and space). Kids spend time in the galleries exploring current exhibitions and then they create an art work about what they learned.
May 4 - Shimmering Portraits May 11- Still Life Submerged May 18- Animal Mix-up
$24/ $19 members per three class sessions / $10 per single class. Click here for reservations prepayment required, space is limited 805-385-8171 or
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Art Workshop Ages 8-10
Imagine, create and spark lifelong connections with art at CAM! Join Ojai Artist and educator Heidi Bradbury and experienced CAM educators as they provide hands-on, dynamic, and creative art lessons. Workshops are open to children of all skill levels.
Tuesday, May 7 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Through the Window- Students create the view through the window. It can be looking out or in. It can be an imaginary scene or realistic.
Space is limited / reservations are required 805-385-8171 or
This class is free and all materials are included thanks to the generous sponsorship from The Children’s Workshop whose mission is to promote arts education for children, thereby, enhancing their social and emotional development and their academic achievement. Click here to see the upcoming workshop schedule.
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An early evening book discussion held the third Thursday of the month. Join us for our next discussion.
Circe - A Novel by Madeline Miller.
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Thursday, May 16 at 6 pm
$5 / members free
Click here to learn more about the book.
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Saturday, May 18 6 pm
with CSUCI student and guest poet Marina Sims
$5 / members and students free
Organized & Hosted by Marsha de la O
This event is supported in part by Poets & Writers
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A STORYTELLING COLLECTIVE Public Telling at the Carnegie the culmination of the 8 week storytelling collective participants.
Sunday, May 19 1 pm $5 / members free
Reservations appreciated 805.385.8254 or
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HOME is where the heART is
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Carnegie Art Museum Cornerstones FUNDRAISER
Sunday, June 30, 2019 3-5pm at the Ventura home of Virginia Beale
Adults only please. (ages 13+)
Virginia Beale, award winning painter of landscapes showing the beauty of our planet with works in the Community Memorial Hospital Collection, will share about her art and studio.
$35 per person includes light refreshments alfresco. Space limited / 805-385-8254. Location given at time of reservation. Click here to register today!
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through-May 19, 2019 The Imaginary- art commingling realism and imagination
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Pomegranate Study, oil and silkscreen on board by Sherry Loehr, 20 x 24in., 2017.
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Peter Adams Benjamin Anderson Nikita Budkov Nansi Bielanski-Gallup Stephanie Elise Lani Emanuel Gail Faulkner David C. Gallup Adonna Khare Joanne Julian Vanessa Lemen Sherry Loehr Elizabeth McGhee Jeff Mann Alexandra Manukyan Jennifer Moses Andrea Mosley Mona Neuhaus Paul Pitsker Christopher Slatoff Alexey Steele Adrienne Stein William Stout
Exhibited in partnership with The Representational Art Conference (TRAC2019)- a California Lutheran University Arts Initiative Event.
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The Cultural and Community Services Department is committed to providing a wide range of exceptional programs, services, and events that encourage and promote a full, enriched, and active life. The Cultural and Community Services Department divisions include:
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