June 2023 Newsletter

Summer is almost here, and it's the best time to visit family or take a family history/heritage travel vacation! 

Did you know that Ancestry, MyHeritage, and FamilySearch, along with many others, have been churning out tons of new tools, features, and updates! Don't forget to check out some of the newest ones on my blog, with more coming soon!

Be sure to check out my upcoming speaking events for June and July (FREE) and my newest blog postsFacebook Page, and Group for tips and tricks, and more news! You're all invited to join!

Happy almost summer!

Diane Henriks@Know Who Wears the Genes in Your Family

New at Ancestry, Ancestry Updates, Ancestry Features, Ancestry Info Request, Ancestry Tools, Genealogy Resources

Get Help from Family Outside of Ancestry!


Create and Share Posts with Family, and Even Friends! All FREE! 


New at FamilySearch, FamilySearch Updates, FamilySearch Features, FamilySearch New Home Page, FamilySearch Tools, Genealogy Resources
New at Ancestry, Ancestry Updates, Ancestry Features, Ancestry Comments Activity, Ancestry Tools, Genealogy Resources

Post and Like Comments on Public & Invited Private Trees! 


Now Group Message &  Share Photos in the Messaging Center! 


New at Ancestry, Ancestry Updates, Ancestry Features, Ancestry Group Messaging, Ancestry Tools, Genealogy Resources

Speaking Events

Genealogy Speaking, Genealogy Presentation, Genealogy Event, Diane Henriks

There are 3 presentations I will be giving this month and next, and all are FREE if you'd like to join!

  1. "Family Secrets": VIRTUALLY & IN-PERSON; Tuesday June 27, 7:00 pm PDT (meeting starts at 6:00pm); Glendora Genealogical Group, La Fetra Center in Glendora CA or email a Zoom link request to sjdugan@gmail.com                

"Genealogy Wish Grants"


The "Genealogy Wish Grants" application process opened on April 15 and closes November 11, 2023; have you applied for your genealogy wish yet! One lucky person will be granted a genealogy research wish for Christmas! Read the entry rules and process here!