mARCH 2021 


Tobacco Retailer Maps

  Big Tobacco targets youth and ethnic minority communities. Tobacco retailers are abundant in our Island Teens neighborhoods, and they will illustrate this on their Tobacco Mapping project. Each ITAT club is creating a large map and filling it with every tobacco retailer within a 5 mile radius of their high school. ITAT students are able to use their creativity to show just how much Big Tobacco is targetting them and their peers with these maps. Tobacco retailers include gas stations, grocery stores, and vape shops just to name a few. Tobacco and nicotine products are highly deadly and dangerous. Our Island Teens will use their tobacco maps to bring awareness and education to their peers and community on these issues. 


Suicide Prevention

Suicide is the leading cause of death in youth in the United States ages 15-24, according to the CDC. Teen suicide is a huge issue and our Island Teens are addressing it. Our ITAT students are learning more about mental health struggles like anxiety and depression, so that they can help educate and inform their peers. Teens are less likely to turn to suicide as a solution for their problems when they understand their emotional and mental health, and know where they can turn for help. Our island teens are using their voices to spread awareness of the teen suicide issue and to spread the word on resources their peers can use to get help for mental health concerns. 

Our ITAT students are also participating in several focus groups, to help us understand the mental health and emotional issues that they and their peers face.

Tobacco Facts: 

MY LIFE MY QUIT: is a new service available to teens, to assist them in quitting the highly addictive nicotine products that comprise the teen vaping epidemic. All they need to do is text "Start My Quit" 855-891-9989 to talk or text with a quit coach to cheer them on in their journey of quitting!

  • Worldwide, tobacco causes over 7 million deaths per year.
  • Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including more than 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure.
  • Smoking leads to disease and disability and harms nearly every organ of the body. ·
  • (Utah DOH,,,


The Pacific Islander community in Utah has the highest rates of hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID-19. Please continue to practice safe social distancing practices and wear masks in popular public places! To get scheduled for the vaccine, go to or call (801)851-7183

                      UPCOMING EVENTS:

May 15th: ITAT leadership conference

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