
The STAR Republican News

March 2019

Star Republican Women is a federated member club of the Texas Federation of Republican Women and serves members and communities within TFRW Region XI and Texas Senate Districts 22 and 24.

In This Issue. . .

  • March Program Details
  • From Denise's Desk
  • Welcome New Members
  • Red Shoe Book Club
  • SRW Continues Flood Victim Fund Drive
  • ​TFRW Honors Dorothy Crockett
  • 86th Tx Legislature Update
  • Rep. Murr Introduces Bill on Bail Bond Modernization
  • TFRW Legislative Day 
  • ​Thank You Hostesses
  • SRW Patrons & Sponsors 
  • Paid Advertisements

SRW To Meet

March 19

at Quail Point

Light Lunch 12:30 p.m.

Program 1 p.m. ​​

CLICK HERE for Upcoming GOP Events Calendar

James Wesolek of Texas Values to Speak at March 19 SRW Meeting


James Wesolek of Texas Values will speak at Star Republican Women's next meeting, Tuesday, March 19 at Quail Point Community Center.

​A complimentary light lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. followed by the program starting at 1:00 p.m.  

Texas Values is the largest statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting for faith, family and freedom in the state of Texas.

​Following is a summary of Texas Values' three primary areas of focus:

Religious Liberty:  Texas Values supports and defends the right of people to speak, express and exercise their faith in public and private without government interference or workplace retribution in the public arena, schools and churches of Texas.

Marriage and the Family:  Texas Values supports and defends the institution of marriage as the lifelong union of one man and one woman, and is committed to fighting for family values in Texas by defending traditional marriage, the traditional family structure and parental rights.

Life:  Texas Values believes that human life is a precious gift that begins at conception and ends at natural death.  Accordingly, Texas Values seeks to build a culture of life that protects and affirms the sanctity of every human life through efforts that support and defend pro-life causes in Texas.

SRW members and associates are encouraged to attend the March 19  general meeting.  Guests are welcome.

Marsha Lovelady, VP of  Programs

From Denise's Desk


Our 2019 Star Republican Women year has gotten off to a great start with very informative speakers, Teresa Beckmeyer of the Texas Freedom Caucus in January, and Alma Jackson, Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, in February.  Both spoke of the need to maintain our strong conservative efforts at the local, state, and national levels.

 As conservatives in Texas, Star Republican Women will be working closely with other Republican organizations in Llano and Burnet County, as well as other counties across Texas to “Keep Texas Red.” 

This will require a renewed commitment to continue our efforts in order for this to be a reality.  Llano and Burnet County, both have a strong Republican history.  However, it will take extra effort in reaching outside of our immediate area to secure our stronghold in Texas.

In November, while we retained the core positions in Texas such as Governor and Lt. Governor, we suffered a substantial loss in the judicial arena, especially the Court of Appeals as well as the Texas Senate.  As a result of the loss of several seats in the Texas Senate, it now requires all 19 Republican Senators’ votes to pass any legislation out of the Senate. We must work to increase the number of conservative Republicans in the Senate.

This will require personal sacrifices and commitment.  Some of the activities in which we can get involved are: making phone calls, block walking, writing emails, and informing friends and family about the issues and candidates.  Many of you participated in these activities in November and it paid off in Llano County.  Thank you for your hard work!

While working during the November Elections, I heard many voters express that they didn’t know anything about some of the issues or candidates.  It is incumbent upon us to educate everyone we can.   We have speakers for our SRW meetings lined up to help with keeping us informed, but I will be looking to many of you to share your ideas about other ways we might accomplish this.

Thank you to those who brought guests with you to our first meetings of the year.  Many of these guests became new members.  Welcome new members!  Attending the meetings is a great way to stay informed.   As we, along with the new members, invite friends to the meetings, we will continue to grow our forces to make sure that we “Keep Texas Red!”

Denise Rives, SRW President

Welcome New Members

And Help Us Recruit Others!


We welcome the following new Star Members & Associates:

Debbie Beeman

Sue Boss-Lee

Joy Collins

Kerry Patch

Don Ecklebarger

It is never too late to join Star Republican Women. The Membership Challenge continues!  

Please ask your friends, neighbors and family members to join Star Republican Women -- as members or associates.  Bring them to our next meeting.  And if you haven't renewed your membership it is time to do so!

Dues are $25 for members and $15 for associates.  Remember, spouses can join as an associate member and attend all of our meetings.  

Click on the button below to download the membership form and recruit family and friends to become new members!

Please bring your completed membership form & your dues to our March meeting or mail to:           

       STAR Republican Women

       P.O. Box 8675

       Horseshoe Bay, TX  78657

Please don't delay!  We need to act NOW! Please mail your membership forms as soon as possible.

Kathy Stahl, VP & Membership Committee Chairman​ 

2019 SRW Membership Form

February Red Shoe Book Club


Participating in a lively discussion at the Star Republican Women’s Red Shoe Book Club meeting Feb. 26 are (from left) Lynn Snider-Lane, Debbie Lambert, Beverly Graham and Belle Guice.  Literacy Committee Chairman Kathy Hussey led the discussion about the book "Where the Crawdads Sing."

Also joining the group were:  Dee Patterson, Emily Tobin, Cindy Bender-Olds, Charlotte Steindorf, Phyllis Mitchell, Claudia Hayden, Denise Rives, Gennie Ward, Janet Mayne and Mary Lou Kromer.


Red Shoe Book Club

To Meet April 23


Star Republican Women's Red Shoe Book Club will meet Tuesday, April 23 to discuss the book "Beneath a Scarlet Sky," by Mark Sullivan.  SRW Literacy Committee Chairman Kathy Hussey will host the event at the Horseshoe Bay Resort Lantana Room from 4 to 6 p.m.


"Soon to be a major television event from Pascal Pictures, starring Tom Holland.

Based on the true story of a forgotten hero, the USA Today and #1 Amazon Charts bestseller Beneath a Scarlet Sky is the triumphant, epic tale of one young man’s incredible courage and resilience during one of history’s darkest hours.

Pino Lella wants nothing to do with the war or the Nazis. He’s a normal Italian teenager—obsessed with music, food, and girls—but his days of innocence are numbered. When his family home in Milan is destroyed by Allied bombs, Pino joins an underground railroad helping Jews escape over the Alps, and falls for Anna, a beautiful widow six years his senior.

In an attempt to protect him, Pino’s parents force him to enlist as a German soldier—a move they think will keep him out of combat. But after Pino is injured, he is recruited at the tender age of eighteen to become the personal driver for Adolf Hitler’s left hand in Italy, General Hans Leyers, one of the Third Reich’s most mysterious and powerful commanders.

Now, with the opportunity to spy for the Allies inside the German High Command, Pino endures the horrors of the war and the Nazi occupation by fighting in secret, his courage bolstered by his love for Anna and for the life he dreams they will one day share." Amazon book review

Kathy Hussey will lead the discussion about this book.  Afterwards, attendees will participate in a C.H.A.T. (Chicks Having an Awesome Time) about a timely topic.

Even if you haven't read the book, you can attend and enjoy the conversation about the book and other topics of interest to the group.  Food and beverage service will be available on an individual pay as you go basis.

Kathy Hussey, Literacy Committee Chairman

SRW Continues Project to Assist

Flood Victims in Rebuilding Efforts


Star Republican Women continues its partnership with the Kingsland Lions Club in raising funds to help the victims of the Fall 2018 floods in Llano and Burnet Counties. The rebuilding efforts will continue throughout 2019 and perhaps beyond.

Consider supporting the flood victims by providing gift cards to Home Depot and/or Lowe's or sending checks.  You can bring your gift cards to the March meeting.  All contributions will be tax deductible.


If you want to support this important cause via a check, make your tax deductible contributions to Kingsland Lions Club and designate for Llano County Flood Recovery Committee on the memo section of your check.  Mail your checks to Star Republican Women, PO Box 8657, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657.

Becca Marsh, Caring For America Committee Chairman

Honoring Dorothy Crockett. . .


Star Republican Women gathered at the Church of Horseshoe Bay to honor the life of Dorothy Crockett on February 4 at a special memorial to honor the former Horseshoe Bay resident and long-time Republican leader.  Dorothy was instrumental in founding the Texas Federation of Republican Women and federated clubs in the Hill Country.  Those who attended the memorial included:  (front row from left) past SRW presidents Annette Burton, Mary Lou Kromer, Kathy Jones, Shelby Spangler, Mary Ann Richards, and Carol Hawkinson as well as past Falls Republican Women president Camille Sweigart. (Back row from left) Scarlett Reimer, Gail Gilliland, Tomi MacDonald, Emily Tobin, Debbie Lambert, Tommy Kempner, Jean Anderson, Virginia Roberts, Louriane Robertson and Mary Kay Heck. Among others who attended but are not shown in this photo included:  SRW current president Denise Rives and past president Gennie Ward.

TFRW Honors

"The Legendary Dorothy"

in Its February Newsletter


The Texas Federation of Republican Women honored Dorothy Crockett in its recent newsletter by featuring the photo above along with a written tribute provided by SRW to TFRW.  

In case you missed it, click on the button below to see the tribute in the TFRW February newsletter.

TFRW Newsletter

86th Texas Legislature Update


The 86th Texas Legislature convened on Jan. 8 and will be in session through May 27.  

If you have read about a piece of legislation that is of interest to you, you can track its progress by using the Texas Legislature Online (TLO) website at https://capitol.texas.gov/.

When you see a bill number cited in the newspaper (usually “HB” for House bills or “SB” for Senate bills), you can quickly find that bill from the TLO home page.  Look at the top of the center column of the home page for a “Search Legislation” box where you can enter the bill number and check the box above for “Bill Number” rather than “Word/Phrase”. 

Rep. Murr Introduces Legislation 

To Modernize Bail Bond System 

by Representative Andrew Murr, Texas House District 53*


I recently filed House Bill 1323, legislation that would modernize the current bail bond system in Texas.  The legislation provides judges across the state access to more information for bail decisions through the use of a validated risk assessment tool and includes improvements to the bail bond process.  

The bill has been named the “Damon Allen Act” in honor of the Texas State Trooper who was recently killed by an individual released on bond with prior violent offenses.  In that matter, the magistrate who set the individual’s bond at $15,500 was not aware of the shooter’s violent criminal history.  Had additional information been available, the magistrate likely would have required a higher bond and possible additional bond conditions.

I am proud to author this legislation – not only would it have perhaps prevented the tragic encounter with Trooper Allen, but it provides improvements to our bail bond system that will protect individual Texans’ rights and save taxpayers money. This legislation comes from nearly four years of study by the Texas Judicial Council and my personal experience as a county judge.

As a former rural county judge who prepared our county’s budget, I know the burden the current detention system has on counties’ resources and ultimately our taxpayers. Bail bonds are intended to accomplish two purposes: (1) to ensure the person appears for court when they receive notice; and (2) to protect a victim and the community.  We should be able to accomplish these requirements by modernizing the process and incorporating greater information about the arrestee into the process. 

*House District 53 includes Bandera, Crockett, Edwards, Kimble, Kerr, Llano, Mason, Medina, Menard, Real, Schleicher and Sutton Counties and covers approximately 15,000 square miles of rural Texas.  

Make Your Reservations To Attend TFRW Legislative Day April 25 


The Texas Federation of Republican Women will host its bi-annual Legislative Day on Thursday, April 25 in Austin at the Texas State Capitol.  Special guest speaker will be Ronna Romney McDaniel, Republican National Committee Chairman.  

Star Republican Women will travel together to this important and fun event. Please let Denise Rives know if you plan to attend and want to car pool with other SRW members. All participants are encouraged to wear red to show the power of TFRW!

 To register for this event, please click on the button below.  

2019 TFRW Legislative Day Registration

A Special Thank You to Hostesses


At each Star Republican Women's meeting, a group of SRW members provides a complimentary light lunch to attendees.  A special THANK YOU to those ladies who contributed to this special treat:

JANUARY Hostesses:  Kathy Stahl, Marion Gardner, Marsha Lovelady, Charlotte Steindorf, Gennie Ward, Belle Guice, Barbara Derse and Denise Rives.

FEBRUARY Hostesses:  Sam Silver, Sallye Johnson, Cynthia Clinesmith, Jane Boisvert, Emily Tobin, Tommy Kepner, and Barbara Derse.

Carol Ascue, Chairman of Hospitality Committee

SRW Patron and Sponsor Programs 

To Help Candidates & Communities

Star Republican Women thank those who have become sponsors and patrons in 2019, providing funds for Star's political contributions for the upcoming general elections and to support its Caring for America activities in local communities.

If you want to participate as a Patron or Sponsor, please click on the link below for additional information.  We welcome you recruiting others to participating in these programs as well.

SRW Patron & Sponsorship Programs




Kathy Hussey

Mary Lou Kromer

​JoAnn McCarty

​Denise Rives

​Gennie Ward

2019 SRW Officers

President                         Denise Rives         [email protected]      432-638-7808

1st VP/Programs         Marsha Lovelady  [email protected]    432-238-9428

2nd VP/Membership    Kathy Stahl        [email protected]      832-472-5437

Secretary                           Debbie Lambert             [email protected]     512-748-0814

Treasurer                Charlotte Steindorf   [email protected]   830-596-0029

2019 SRW Committee Chairmen

Awards                       Gennie Ward       [email protected]         325-247-4078

Hospitality                          Carol Ascue        [email protected]         512-663-3601   

Bylaws                                 Belle Guice          [email protected]         210-508-7803        

Parliamentarian                Belle Guice          [email protected]         210-508-7803       

Caring for America           Becca Marsh        [email protected]         361-564-8170

Chaplain                          Annette Burton     [email protected]   830-220-3618

Legislation                           TBD

PR/Newsletter          Mary Lou Kromer     [email protected]     830-596-7061

Ways & Means   Marion Gardner   [email protected]     830-613-9216

Literacy                           Kathy Hussey        [email protected]       325-423-0418

Campaign Activities           Barbara Derse       [email protected]   214-202-0052

 2019 TFRW Regional & District Leadership

Region XI Deputy President        Gail Teegarden        [email protected]    

SD24 District Director                  Zenia Warren          [email protected]

SD 22 District Director                 Merryl Wash           [email protected]



Luxury Townhouse - Fully Furnished

2 Bedrooms - 2 Full Baths - Single Level - 2-Car Garage - Fenced Backyard

New Construction - Granite Counters - Hardwood Floors - Stainless Appliances

High-Quality Furnishings, including bedding, linens, cookware, dishes, utensils

View townhouse at website:  www.hsb-duplex.com

Interested parties call:

Marion and David Gardner @ 830-613-9216

NOTICE:     Political advertising paid for by Star Republican Women PAC, Treasurer Charlotte Steindorf, P.O. Box 8675, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657. SRW is a non-profit organization under Section 527 of the IRS Code.  Contributions to Star Republican Women PAC are NOT tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income purposes. Corporate contributions are not permitted. Not authorized by any candidate or committee.   

EDITOR:  Mary Lou Kromer – 830-596-7061 [email protected]