Reflections Newsletter

Issue 19, November/December 2022

Welcome to this special, combined November/December 2022 "Holiday Season" edition of my newsletter.

This newsletter is typically distributed the last Thursday of the month and contains a variety of resources, links, and reflections on graduate-level career & professional development, higher education, and an occasional detour into neuroscience topics, the area I formally trained in as a graduate student and postdoc.

Look for it to return to your inbox on its normal schedule beginning Thursday, January 26, 2023. Until then, Happy Holidays and New Year!

Missed the inaugural newsletter from January 2021?

Read it here


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Reflections Blog: November 2022 


Don’t be scared of the unknown: All new experiences involve risks, which you can work to lower through strategic career exploration 
Try not to be scared of the unknown, the unpredictable, the uncertain. Realize that in uncertainty often lies unexpected opportunity and discovery. In addition, there are things graduate students and postdocs can do now to de-risk the next step in their career including talking with professionals, engaging in job simulations, and internships when available.

Reflections Blog: December 2022 


To be rather than to seem. Words to try to live by in 2023 and beyond.

In this piece I highlight the challenges we face in an increasingly online and polarized world. It is easy to feel hopeless or to lay on criticism on social media but pushing for real change and progress requires all of us to work to be more present, involved, and vulnerable while we work to be the change we want to see in the world. 

Worthy Reads

Build on 2022 for a Strong Career-Focused Start to 2023

Joseph Barber provides an overview of many of the excellent Carpe Careers column pieces from 2022 focused on advice and resources to assist graduate students and postdoctoral scholars with their career and professional development. 

The Hard Truths of the Academic Labor Crisis

Even if striking workers win, the system is still rigged against them. 

Can academia continue to exist in its current form and structure, dependent on relatively cheap, contingent labor?

Higher Ed Is a Land of Dead-End Jobs  

Colleges have done a spectacularly bad job of managing talent.

This piece by Kevin McClure points out an interesting conundrum in higher education: Many staff and administrative roles provide no ability for advancement. It is ironic that institutions designed to train and develop talent often don't do a great job offering this to their faculty and staff.

Higher Ed Is a Public Good. Let's Fund It Like One 

Universities have been saying for decades that college is a worthwhile investment, and it is time for public universities and their supporters to put money behind these claims. This article argues prepaying students' tuition in exchange for lifetime taxes on their earnings (at a rate of 3-5%) would allow for more to pursue higher education and careers of their choosing. 

Programs Worth Promoting


Advancing Learning Through Evidence-Based STEM Teaching

Learn effective teaching strategies and research that supports them, and how to collect, analyze, and act upon evidence of student learning. Enroll in the online course on edX by January 30th!

Learn more about CIRTL online courses and upcoming Spring 2023 programming


Postdoc Academy: Succeeding as a Postdoc

Online edX course begins January 30th 

Topics to be covered include:

  • Finding Success as a Postdoc
  • Building an Actionable Career Plan
  • Developing Resilience
  • Working Effectively in an Intercultural Environment

Explore more Postdoc Academy content. 

Revisiting Past Blog Posts 

Keeping perspective and thinking about all the things we do have can help us feel less deficient in our lives.

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What matters to you? How can you live a life in alignment with your values? Some thoughts.

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More to Explore - Resources for Trainees & Those Supporting Them

Explore Job Search & Funding Resources On My Website

For Further Reading & Exploration

More About Me
Carpe Careers Column
National Science Foundation Data
Data on PhD & Postdoc Training: NGLS 
GCC Professional Development Webinars
Career & Professional Development Research

Connect with Me