
December 2017 Newsletter

Letter from The President

By:  Matt Zock, CIH - President, Pittsburgh AIHA


Season’s Greetings!  The executive committee accompanied by a few members held a productive business meeting on December 7th at Penn Brewery on Pittsburgh’s Northside (as an amateur brewer and beer aficionado, I may have had some influence on the location).  The group enjoyed European cuisine and a taste of traditional German-style or new American-style craft brews.  In an age of craft brewing, I couldn’t help but appreciate how the science and art of brewing is applied by brewers to create great products.  It definitely takes some passion and dedication to their craft.  As I thought about our local section members, I had a greater appreciation for the passionate and dedicated folks applying the science and art of our craft; protecting workers.  Thanks for what you do!

To help keep us all up-to-date in the craft, we are using your feedback to plan an exciting schedule of events.  On January 18th we will have a session on ergonomics facilitated by a local section member, PPG’s Donna Bartlett, CIH; our February 8th President’s luncheon will welcome an update from AIHA President Deborah Nelson, PhD, CIH; and tentatively we are planning a session on silica to be facilitated by our local section Director, Keith Rickabaugh, CIH and others.  These events would not be a success without the recommendations and participation from membership.  Please consider getting involved by presenting, hosting, or suggesting topics and speakers.  For those of us that have trouble attending, we are evaluating a renewal of the AIHA E-Learning subscription. Remember, there is still time to view and receive credit for recorded 2017 webinars. A link to all 5 recordings was sent to membership previously.  If you have feedback or suggestions, contact our Programs Committee Chair, Lucinette Alvarado Rivera.

We are currently seeking nominations for next year to serve as President-elect, Director, and Treasurer.  We welcome any members with a passion to help; new or tenured, lesser or greater experience levels.  Please provide self or colleague nominations as soon as possible by contacting our Nominating Committee Chair, Dennis Kelly.

Of course our efforts would not be possible if it weren’t for our membership, corporate sponsors and advertisers.  Thank you all!  Now is the time to renew for the upcoming year. Please reach out to colleagues, vendors and industry associates to encourage renewals and seek new members and corporate sponsors. Our Corporate Sponsor Committee Chair, Frank Pokrywka, can help.

Finally we have had some members express interest in the AIHA-NIOSH Partnership – Safety Matters (see the August President’s Update). Please consider this short but impactful volunteer opportunity. Remember, any safety or health professional can take the provided presentation materials and seek opportunities to speak to kids in grades 7-12 about how to protect themselves when entering the part-time or full-time workforce; in schools or at any event where kids in this age group gather.  If you do have success, please share your experience with us.

Feedback, nominations, and questions can also be sent to info@pittsburghaiha.org

Have a very safe, healthy and happy Holiday Season.  


Matt Zock, CIH

Recent Pittsburgh AIHA News From Our Blog:

Please mark your calendar for our next continuing education event to be held...

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The 2018 Corporate Sponsorship drive is underway!  The benefits of a Corporate...

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All PAID local section members have access to our E-Learning Subscription...

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National AIHA Fellows Nominations

Two members of the Pittsburgh AIHA have been nominated to be named as AIHA Fellows.

  • Julie Panko, CIH, CSP (ChemRisk) 
  • Bernie Quinn, CIH, CSP​
    (AM Health & Safety)

Fellows of AIHA are individuals who are full members in good stand​ing and have 15 years of continuous membership. Individuals are approved as These individuals have been nominated by a local section, committee, special interest group or other formal AIHA entity for their recognized achievement in the field of industrial hygiene.

November 10th Meeting Highlights - Diisocyanates

By:  Lucinette Alvarado, CIH - President-Elect, Pittsburgh AIHA


Today we use a lot of products made with diisocyanates. Diisocyanates are compounds that contain the isocyanate group (-NCO) and they react with compounds to produce polyurethane materials. Without them our furniture will not be as soft, our refrigerators will not be as cold and athletic wear will not perform as well.

On November 10, 2017, Covestro LLC hosted the AIHA Pittsburgh Local Section continuing education session at their Pittsburgh headquarters. The session explored  relevant information about diisocyanates including current regulations, industrial hygiene techniques, toxicology and safe use and handling methods. Five speakers from Covestro LLC took their time to present these topics. There were also videos, “show and tell” of products and industrial hygiene equipment, and information related to Covestro LLC and their values. To round out the session, one of the speakers presented an innovated project demonstrating why it is important to understand diisocyanates’ properties when applied in the field in order to have a safe work environment.

Thank you Covestro LLC for your time and for hosting the AIHA Pittsburgh Local Section at your campus!


Thanks to the following attendees who participated in the event:

  • Lucinette Alvarado, Covestro, LLC
  • Lawrence Balint, Erie Insurance Group
  • John Bell, Watco Companies, LLC
  • Margot Bernabo, PPG Industries, Inc.
  • Darrick Bertig, FirstEnergy Corporation
  • Charles Brehm, Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
  • Renee Cowell, Amerisafe Consulting & Safety Services
  • Barbara Cummings, AM Health & Safety, Inc.
  • Scott Ecoff, Covestro, LLC
  • Timothy Feeley, Covestro, LLC
  • Kristy Gray, LORD Corporation
  • Daniel Hagerty 
  • Dennis Kelly, Energy Transfer Partners
  • Christy Kirsch, SE Technologies, LLC
  • Jim Lambach, Covestro, LLC
  • Monica Mathers, LORD Corporation
  • Karen Mattson, Covestro, LLC
  • Julie Panko, Cardno ChemRisk
  • Bernie Quinn, AM Health & Safety, Inc.
  • Keith Rickabaugh, RJ Lee Group, Inc.
  • Catherine Sayles, Covestro, LLC
  • Bernard Sersevic, Bettis Power Laboratory
  • Stephanie Snyder, Covestro, LLC
  • Jennifer Ungvarsky, LANXESS Corporation
  • Matt Zock, FedEx Ground

AIHA Pittsburgh Membership Dues - ​Payment Due NOW!


If you are a National AIHA Member, you have the option to pay dues through National AIHA, or directly to the local section.

If you are NOT a National AIHA Member, you must pay dues directly to the local section.

Pittsburgh AIHA Membership Dues is still only $25 per year.  

October 26th Meeting Highlights - Potable Water Safety

By:  Frank J. Pokrywka, PhD, CIH - Secretary, Pittsburgh AIHA


Clean, fresh drinking water emanating from our tap is often taken for granted. This has become evident with concerns for “safe” drinking water in Houston, Florida, Mexico and the Caribbean in the wake of recent hurricanes and earthquakes. On October 26th, we explored what needs to be done to assure the water we drink, cool with, bathe in and use in our homes, schools and workplaces is free of contaminants that can make us sick.  

​​The first speaker for this meeting was Janet Stout, Ph.D., President and Director of Special Pathogens Laboratory in Pittsburgh who spoke on the IH issues of Legionella bacteria and other waterborne hazards affecting homes, hospitals, commercial and industrial buildings. Sources of exposure discussed included water fountains, cooling towers, ice machined, decorative fountains, showers, hot tubs, swamp coolers and other water aerosol sources having the proper temperature and mineral composition. Janet’s talk focused on the prevalence of pathogenic organisms in our water, possible treatment methods, Legionella legislation (ANSI / ASHRAE Standard 188-2015) and various monitoring methods.

Our second speaker, Keith Rickabaugh, a Certified Industrial Hygienist from the RJ Lee Group in Monroeville and our local section Director, discussed the hazards of lead and other metal contaminants in drinking water and the possible health implications to our most susceptible populations. His talk focused on the sources of lead in water including lead service lines, solder joints, electrolysis interactions between copper, steel and lead lines, brass fixtures, and galvanizing coatings in light of current state and federal regulations. Keith also discussed other sources of lead exposure in our homes and workplaces and the  risk to children from lead in drinking water as a part of the total potential exposures from lead paint and soil contamination.  Proper sampling techniques were covered as were the current laboratory analytical methods.

​Our third speaker was Dr. Stanley States, a full-time Instructor on drinking water and wastewater with the Texas A&M University and the retired Director of Water Quality from the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority. With the aid of various charts and photos, Stanley discussed the process flow of Pittsburgh’s water from the Allegheny River to our homes. He presented a thorough description of how drinking water is first filtered and chemically treated at the Aspinwal plant to remove debris, dirt, heavy metals and microorganisms, and how water is treated a second time as it flows from our reservoirs to our homes and businesses. Stanley also discussed the recent media reports of various chemical or physical treatments of drinking water in Flint, Pittsburgh and NYC; covering why the methods were or were not successful. Also discussed were some plumbing issues that may cause lead contaminated water such as transitions from public lines to private lines, protective coatings, dead legs, storage tanks, and pipe materials (copper vs PEX vs galvanized, brass, etc.).

Thank you to the following attendees who participated in the event:

  • Lawrence Balint, Erie Insurance Group
  • George Bender, GHB Consulting Services LLC
  • Darrick Bertig, FirstEnergy Corporation
  • Patrick Carfagna, CONSOL Energy
  • Barbara Cummings, AM Health & Safety, Inc.
  • Jefferson Davis, US Dept. Of Labor-MSHA
  • Carol Delfino, SE Technologies, LLC
  • Venkatram Dharmarajan, AM Health & Safety
  • Christine Dixon-Ernst, Otogienex, LLC
  • Scott Ecoff, Covestro, LLC
  • Sharon Fanchalsky, U.S. Micro-Solutions, Inc.
  • Dan Flanagan, Port Authority of Allegheny County
  • Laura Hallett, Cardno ChemRisk
  • Warren Houseman, ENTACT, LLC
  • Christy Kirsch, SE Technologies, LLC
  • Deanna Kiska, U.S. Micro-Solutions, Inc.
  • Michael Kopar
  • Joe Kuchnicki, Performance Environmental Services, Inc.
  • Herb Layman, U.S. Micro-Solutions, Inc.
  • Tad Pajak, QBE North America
  • Frank Pokrywka, University of Pittsburgh
  • Bernie Quinn, AM Health & Safety, Inc.
  • Michael Reilly, West Virginia University
  • Stacy Reynolds, Pine Environmental
  • Glen Richards, Bechtel Oil, Gas and Chemicals
  • Keith Rickabaugh, RJ Lee Group, Inc.
  • Stanley States, Texas A&M University
  • Liesa Stiller, Bechtel Oil, Gas and Chemicals
  • Janet Stout, Special Pathogens Lab
  • Matt Zock, FedEx Ground

Comments Requested

Pittsburgh AIHA local section President, Matt Zock, CIH, contributed to the Draft National Occupational Research Agenda for Traumatic Injury Prevention.  Please comment and help set the research agenda for worker safety. https://go.usa.gov/xn5sp


Puerto Rico Relief Efforts

By:  Lucinette Alvarado, CIH - Pittsburgh AIHA President-Elect

Puerto Rico struggles with widespread power outages, gas lines and a shortage of vital supplies after hurricane Maria made direct landfall in September 20th, 2017. They are struggling to get the basics needs for survival.


Our AIHA colleagues from Puerto Rico sent a note through the national AIHA asking for help. They requested safety equipment for the relief efforts to the La Isla del Encanto (The Enchanted Island):

  • heavy duty gloves, all sizes
  • latex and non-latex gloves, all sizes
  • health care gowns such as those normally wore by nurses and nurses aids
  • full face and half face respirators, all sizes
  • particulate filters, N95, as well as organic vapor, acid, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia cartridges
  • filtering face pieces, dust masks
  • safety shoes from sizes 8 through 14
  • safety glasses
  • face shields (both clear plastic and metal or plastic mesh)
  • hearing protection (ear muffs)
  • hard hats
  • high visibility clothing
  • working pants and long sleeve shirts
  • portable water filtration systems
  • tarps to protect from sunlight
  • rubber boots same sizes as above

Thanks to our AIHA Pittsburgh Local Section for taking the time to send safety equipment! The items donated included: safety glasses, latex gloves, dust masks and others.  Our AIHA colleagues from the island are very grateful.

Recent News from National AIHA:

Published December 21, 2017

Published December 18, 2017

Published November 14, 2017
