Pathways Rhythms

April 2024


Capital Campaign

Thank You!

The Pathways Board of Directors joyfully announces a successful end to “The Land is Calling” Capital Campaign with over 109 supporters joining together to reach the $155,000 goal! Construction of the pavilion is set to begin August 12 with a projected completion date of October 18. The native prairie will be planted sometime during the winter, so a year from now new plants will be rising from the now-barren ground.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped make this happen!

Prayers at Pathways


Stations of the Resurrection will be available for the duration of Eastertide, March 31-May19, both at Pathways in the woods and virtually on our website. 

Programs at Pathways


New Date! Transition Journeys: Due to a family emergency, this retreat did not happen, as previously scheduled, on March 23, and has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 27.  Be sure to take this opportunity to learn about applying a life-giving framework  of transitions to your unique circumstances.  

God's Wonderful Creatures: Come Clay with Us A two-session, creative experience for children in grades Kindergarten - 8th grade. Saturdays, May 11 & 18

Yoga Practice  Breathing in Harmony with Sacred Time: A Yoga Practice for Every Body.  Integrate movement into your prayer practice.  Mondays, 4:30-5:30pm

Meditative Zentangle-inspired Art  An art practice with no mistakes!  Saturday May 4 & Saturday, June 15

Creation Care Volunteer Event

Join volunteers from Walnut Hill Mennonite Church for our upcoming Creation Care Volunteer time on Saturday, April 20, 1-3pm.  Let us know you're coming by filling out this short form​.

Practice at Pathways

  "Keeping a journal thins my skin.  I feel open to everything, aware...hypersensitive to whatever I hear, see, guess, read, am told.  Matters that once have gone unnoticed are no longer lost on me."

- Doris Grumbach, Extra Innings: A Memoir

Practice writing or recording your impressions of each day.  After a week, notice if you have kept something there which you might otherwise have lost.

Stay up-to-date with events happening at Pathways Retreat

Calendar of Events

Pathways Retreat is a spiritual retreat center for

Rest, Reflection and Renewal.