
[YEWr Lunar Ritual]

October 9, 2022 • Frog Echoes in Time Full Moon

The Way of Emotion: What VisionKeeping is, in and of itself; how the work is subtly and perfectly interwoven in the tapestry of dream life.


This is a memorial ceremony

before the Winter Dream

begins us anew.  All these ceremonies that we have engaged with, symbolize the successive stages of Creation.  Beginning with the establishment of all life, they carry through Human development, and conclude with the death maturation.  The ceremonies re-turn life: rebirth, bridging the gap between one phase of life and the next.

All these phases of energy are endlessly repeated in our yearly recycling.  So, the ceremonies plan, confirm, and help carry through the evolving cycle upon which all life depends.

Please consider joining our ceremonial community by clicking here.


We ground the Directions with Four Prayers that Represent the Gaan (Mountain Spirits), and lighting a candle in our ceremonial space.


Prayer to One Who Upholds the South (Unity): Cloud-born rain, mountain springs, blood within my veins, milk of the Mother bathes me.  My soul cried for freedom, Garden of sweet sense.  Cloud of silence burst mercy rain upon me, flooding senses of full grace.  Rushing Spirit, breaks boundaries o the mind, fences melding with the Cosmic Presence – I am made whole.


Prayer to the One Who Upholds the West (Ease): I see myself in others.  I forgive my weaknesses and find compassion for myself in my silence, I forgive others, and quietly demonstrate living k’e, for all to see.  Through kindly strength, I am beacons of light.  I see light shine equally for diamond bright souls and all manner of beings.  My understanding is guided, so I may transmute negativity into the sparkling ways of Seers – that I may fully reflect the One Magnificient Wisdom.  Indifference is wiped from human consciousness, souls shine bright with white light.  I know that we are Children of the Universe.  I reach out to other souls with love, and hold them as my children, as my very own – as family – gotah.  The HeartFire of All That Is waits to be revealed, appreciated and brought forth for those ready to receive.  With patience I go forward.  Fresh chances, new images, new lives of incarnation, born from love’s sunshine – the Act of Remembering.  Mother waits eagerly sweetest of help, without expectation teaching the path to forgive, even when I don’t see.  I scatter forgiveness, and impart sweet speech, love, kindness and good to All Our Relations.  I awakened sacredly, inspired to become conscious potential purity.


Prayer to the One Who Upholds the North (Power): I heard my Sacred Mother’s voice, saying: “You have remained in your cocoon.  Come out, transform into you!  Cut the silk cords, which hold you in your chamber.  Come out!  Cease being the dream.  Come out of the illusion!  Spread your wings of Infinite Power, spiritualize your ambitions, voice your intent.  Come out!  Butterfly Children!  Wings of realization decorated with nature’s charms, spread them over all to entertain.  Fly through skies on wings of beauty, attract all toward the purest intent.  Star and Sun glimmer in your wings; soar past hearts, sharing joyous ways, Butterfly Children of my Heart!


Prayer to the One Who Upholds the East (Leisure): My golden spirit shines with immortality’s spark; I hop from one existence to another.  Clothed in the many colors of Eternity.  I hop to them all, one by one, till I rest safely in co-creation’s assurance.  By living threads of beauty, wings are woven.  Cosmic Evolution lives self revelation the velvet soft find.

Thanksgiving Rite of Healing


for release of control that causes pain and dis-ease… dragging of feet.  With prayers and song, and dance, Higher Self is called in to help participants look within. 

  • What are we?  Are we mundane or sacred?  Certainly not mundane for we are constituent parts of water and minerals.  There is connection, not separation.  What are we here to do?  Do we need to know, or does it take a transition to awaken understanding of our full existence.  We have experienced many life situations, we have engaged in acts of the miraculous.  So, what are we?  We are the sense of parts totally blasted from infinity.  We are identity, the identification of the spiritual existence that continues and knows.  Each one of us is a role while we walk our Earth Path, a medicine person wearing many layers of robes with innumerable fetishes of meaning.  There is the truth underneath… all life times.  Once we understand we are never ending, we can be all we are meant to be.  Time and death no longer bother us.
  • Prayer & Dancing (I to We):  Sacred Parents; the Ancients live in mt hearts.  I have crossed many times, and I feel this truth in my heart.  I am safe, Creator, as you guide my path and keep me from harm.  My thoughts are filled with love for my continuance, Sacred Parents.  My love lives in my heart.
  • Swallows are famous for their daring speed and the unpredictable paths that they take flight in.  Yet no matter how far they fly, they circle back to their nests.  The idea of returning is significant for all of us.  We work, explore, travel and make our achievements from life.  No matter how much we strain and how wide we wander, we all have a point of origin, a connecting point on Earth where we operate from.  There is a core spirit to which each of us return.  This core spirit is increasingly calling.  Everything we have learned is necessary in who we have become.  The Veil of Illusion becomes thinner today.  Therefore, returning is a procession of simplification that throws off the unnecessary patterns we have outgrowth.
  • Pray & Dancing (chant): All I need is the morning.  As long as there is sunrise, then there is the possibility that I can face all my challenges, celebrate all my endeavors as a humane being.  Spirituality is something that is necessary.  I need to remember to bolster myself, to integrate myself, to fulfill myself.  If I can simply acknowledge the mystery of the night and the glory of the morning, I will find all the confirmation I need.  At it’s simplest, life begins with the dawn.  That is blessing.  That is happiness. All else becomes immeasurable.  At dawn I give thanks to this wonderful event.  I co-create this wondrous event for my own confirmation of my spirituality through my prayers. I realize most places in the cosmos do not have mornings.  This daily event is my act of supreme goodness.  I greet the dawn.  That is my miracle to witness.  That is the ultimate beauty.  That is sacredness.  That is my gift from Spirit.  That is my self-fulfilling prophecy.  That is knowledge that life is not futile.  That is enlightenment.  That is my meaning in life.  That is my directive.  That is the co-creation of my soul.  This ceremony is life.  This ceremony speaks through me from my many lifetimes that have gone beyond… and I are grateful

After the dance


Listen to the Salt River Prophecy shared by Nochaydelklinne – the Apache Dreamer of 1868.  Then indulge in some spontaneous writing revealed to you as you have participated in this moment.


Wiping of Tears Prayer


I am here to transition and travel far.  The blessings of Changing Mother and Creator, of the Ancient Ones, and of good friends are with me as we travel to the Four Directions.  There is a reason for being here in this world and in this life.  There is a reason for leaving, when the purposes of this life are done.  The spirit journeys to the Place of Souls to pause, to reset, to wait for those who are loved.  For the Place of Souls is a land of Eternal Summer, and of joy, far from the cares of this world, with happiness, and with youth always.  (smudge the circle with cedar).  As cedar does grow and prosper both in summer and winter, year after year, so does the spirit continue from life to life, cycle to cycle… growing every stronger, wiser, and richer. (smudge with sage) May this Winter’s Dream bless all with honor, in light of beauty, and of joy.

Closing Prayer


The journey home is moving toward the 7 Sisters.  In the kind eyes of all, I notice the sparks of compassion.  Small lights of life are beginning to flicker everywhere.  The journey home has been slow.  Yet, at last, the glimpse of hope rebirths our efforts.  I touch my thirsty lips, and drink deeply (drink some water), from the well of faith and bless.  And I honor our Mother, as I honor ourselves.  The land is our Mother.  I love her and she nourishes me in return.  I am part of the natural order – the Web of Life.  I belong to the Mother, and she is part of me, in trust and love, one of flesh.  Through her, I find spirit in all. 

daaiina… and so it is that our year turns and is complete, while made new at the same time.  Tomorrow I are again.

This newsletter has been curated and edited by #teamshima.  Have a comment?  We'd love to hear from you at [email protected].  Thanks for celebrating with us!
