

An AirCrete video course, how to build an off-grid EcoHome, and much MUCH more!


Aloha, Domies!

DomeGaia presents the BioVeda Academy's Living BioDome & Abundance of Water Master Class series of online courses from our student, Alosha Lynov.

For all of you who have been waiting for a video training course on how to make your own AirCrete and for those who have been unable to attend one of our workshops - this video series is for you! With a 30-day money-back guarantee and a limited time price offering, we recommend grabbing a seat in the Master Class now!

Click here for a free Video Introduction

How would you like to get your home fully off-the-water-grid after a few fun weekend DIY projects? Or how to build an entirely off-grid eco-home that harvests, stores, and filters rain while reusing all of it's own waste water seven times over?

You’ll learn how to operate DomeGaia's Little Dragon to make AirCrete, how to use Bender to create forms for arches and round windows, and a whole lot more.

DomeGaia student, Alosha Lynov, is a Russian inventor, builder, and teacher who mimics Nature’s genius. He has just finished building his AirCrete and Super Adobe Dome home above a 10,000 gallon underground water tank, fully off-the-water grid!

Alosha recorded and organized the entire process into a step-by-step online Living EcoHome Master Class and has just opened the doors to his online video training course for a limited time only!

Learn to create the home of your dreams for $262!

With the BioVeda step-by-step video tutorials, you will be able to build an off-grid eco-home or take your current home off the water grid completely.

There is ZERO RISK TO YOU! You can try Alosha's Living BioDome EcoHome training out for a full 30-days and if it is not right for you then send ONE email to BioVeda Academy, for your FULL REFUND.

In just a few days, the price will go up 3-fold and will not come down to $262 for another year! Try it out at ZERO RISK for 30 days.

Learn how to:

  • build 2 types of dome homes from foundation all the way to skylight, AirCrete and a Super Adobe Dome. Includes intensive theory on: designing your home on graph paper + various climates, fengshui, bio geometry, tensile forces, plumbing etc.
  • easily build beautiful curvilinear permaculture terraces which turn your garden into a sponge. We will also construct a 54 metre curvilinear wall with water & recycling holding spaces.
  • build an alternative low cost gutter systems + simple permaculture earthworks that impregnate and store water in the ground. You will also learn how to build a simple leaf and dust catcher.
  • build 3 types of water tanks: Ferro Cement 6000L + Sandbag 16000L + underground 40000L water reservoir / bunker underneath a home + build constructed wetland to transform chlorine pool into an eco pond.
  • create 3 types of constructed wetlands which will take care of all your waste water. We will install a biogas digester which will make flammable methane from sewage and build a wetland to turn poo into clean irrigation.
  • build your own DIY Bio Char filter & Bio Char from start to finish which will treat city rain / borehole water at a rate of 300 litres p/d. You will also learn how to pressurise this water to your home.

+ Included for FREE are 10 bonuses with food growing machine, water trailer, etc.

+ Living Eco Home training will stay online for a full 10 years!


Hajjar & the DomeGaia Team

Invest just $262 to learn how to build your EcoDome Home!