Mission Statement: To create a compassionate and inclusive environment with opportunities for economic advancements, community building, and advocacy for people in recovery from mental health conditions.


September is National Recovery Month

During Recovery Month, we celebrate the resilience of individuals recovering from mental health conditions and, at the BCCH we emphasize the role of meaningful activity in their journey. A job is a coping skill; it instills hope and purpose, showcasing that recovery is a path towards growth. It highlights that every person in recovery can find a brighter future through many different opportunities.


September in Suicide Prevention Month

A job and social connection are suicide prevention. Employment provides individuals with a sense of purpose and structure, which are crucial protective factors against suicidal thoughts. Steady employment can contribute to a person's overall well-being, reduce feelings of hopelessness, and provide a support network that can detect and intervene if someone is struggling emotionally. 

*Asking an individual if they are feeling suicidal or want to hurt themselves does not "plant the seed" in their head, so it is very acceptable (but may be uncomfortable) to ask someone if they are feeling suicidal, but it save lives. 


Job Prep Program

The Job Prep Workshop started this past weekend and will be offered every Saturday for the near future! Rose and Soj met with several participants to review resume writing and complete applications for bus passes. The Job Prep Workshop is highly individualized and participants receive assistance in areas they choose, but topics can include: resume writing, interviewing skills, time management, goal setting, addressing gaps in employment, guidance on obtaining employment documents, and networking strategies.

The BCCH will continue to meet with participants at several treatment facilities in the Chicagoland area to focus on preparing for employment. This will fast track hiring for our future Job Training Program and/or prepare participants for any job or opportunity they choose. 

We are collecting notebooks, pens, paper, folders, flash drives, and more for our clients to use in their job search. You can support them by shopping out Amazon Wishlist: bit.ly/JobPrepWishlist​ (web address is case sensitive).


The Black Cat Coffee House is a 501c3 tax-exempt not for profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of United States law. ​Our EIN is 88-4180041.