Pathways Rhythms

January 2024


Honorably Closing 2023 Practice

Angeles Arrien, a cultural anthropologist, writes, "The practice of honorable closure is consciously ending phases and stages of work, relationships, or transitional cycles.  When there is honorable closure there are no regrets.  In cultures around the world, honorable closure is achieved by expressing gratitude for the people and situations that have helped us or challenged us to grow and by identifying any remaining regrets."

As 2023 comes to an end, consider giving it an honorable closure by reflecting upon or journaling about four questions:

1. Name three or four of the most significant challenges and breakdowns you experienced in 2023.

2. Name any growths and strengths that came from those breakdowns.

3. Name three or four significant accomplishments and breakthroughs you experienced in 2023.

4. List the ways you have been blessed and what you are deeply grateful for at the end of 2023.

Upcoming Events:

Thursday, February 1, 7pm


Mark your calendars!  Pathways' tradition of blessing the candles to be used in the coming year continues on February 1, 2024 at 7pm.  Join us in-person or online.

Fridays in February; 3-4:30pm, online


Join the Rev. Dawn Stegelman for heart-opening conversations with creation and moments of divine love through pausing, wandering, and reflecting with the natural world.

When: February 2, 9, 16, 23; 3-4:30pm

Where: fully online - join from anywhere!

Suggested donation: $90-120 for all four sessions

Learn more & register

Monday, February 12, 9:30-noon


As a spiritual director or pastor, you've heard people exclaim, "I don't understand!" "Why did this happen?" "Where is God?" "Who am I, now?"  How can you walk with people through these questions when you are sometimes asking the same questions?  A helpful tool is the framework of transitions.

Karla Minter, spiritual director and pastor, will be your guide for this half-day retreat.  Join us for meaningful input, experiential prayer practices, story, reflection, group discussion, and solitude.

When: Monday, February 12, 9:30-noon, with gathering at 9

Where: Pathways Retreat

Suggested donation: $45-60

Learn more & register

Saturday, March 23, 9:30-noon

Learn more & register

Mondays, 4:30-5:30pm

Series 4 Registration is open


Appropriate for all levels of participants, this hatha-style yoga class is designed to help us living harmony with "sacred time" - that is, "time spent being present at the moments of eternity available to us whenever we choose to pause and breathe."

When: Mondays, 4:30-5:30pm

Where: Pathways Retreat

Cost: $15/session or $12/session when a full series is purchased

Facilitated by Malinda Berrry

View Schedule & Register

Two new dates added:

Saturday, March 9, 10-11:30am

Friday, April 5, 3:30-5pm


Zentangle-inspired Art is the practice of mindfully drawing images from repetitive and structured patterns.

When: Saturdays, January 20(full!),    February 17 (full!), March 9;         10-11:30am

  Friday, April 3, 3:30-5pm

Where: Pathways Retreat

Suggested donation: $25-45 - all art supplies are included

Facilitated by Sylvie Gudin, artist & spiritual director

Learn more & register

Stay up-to-date with events happening at Pathways Retreat

Calendar of Events

Pathways is on Facebook & Instagram


Pathways Retreat is a spiritual retreat center for

Rest, Reflection and Renewal.