Core Virtues News September 2022

This month we resilient teachers and kids are back to school with a song in our hearts and a spring in our step. Core Virtues schools spotlight the community-building virtues of respect, responsibility, and friendship in September.  We can count on a lot of "relearning the key concepts" in our return to in-person learning, but fear not: our Morning Gathering selections for September are rich and numerous.  And though Labor Day has come and gone, it's never too late to help kids see that all labor (including their September efforts) has dignity.  The suggestions on our Labor Day tab​ are good choices throughout the month.

A new edition of Core Virtues! 


Rachel Carson

In September, as Core Virtues schools focus on “respect and responsibility,” let’s celebrate Rachel Carson, a pioneer in the environmental movement, who throughout her career exemplified respect for our natural world and responsibility for its stewardship. 

Carson’s childhood love of the sea and all of nature led her to a fruitful career in marine biology and gave our country a poetic and prolific writer on natural history. Her most famous book, Silent Spring, published in 1962, helped launch the environmental movement, and is widely regarded as one of the best volumes of non-fiction published in the twentieth century. We've featured her as a heroine before, but there are lots of good new books about her now!  

National Book Festival 2022


The National Book Festival (celebrated on September 3rd) is an annual celebration of our finest authors. In the Festival's "Great Reads from Great Places" section, you will find a rich selection of children's and adult literature keyed to your region or even your state. Watch some of the sessions or check out their amazing interactive map. 

Telling Our Stories

September takes us from leisure to labor: it's hard.....

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