September Events & Updates

September is Suicide Prevention & Recovery Month


Hope, Resilience and Recovery

This week kicks off Suicide Prevention Month, a time in which individuals and organizations around the country and the world join their voices to broadcast the message that suicide can be prevented, and to reach as many people as possible with the tools and resources to support themselves and those around them. The month of September also holds National Recovery Month, a time in which to increase awareness and understanding of mental and substance use disorders and celebrate the people who have found recovery.   

We are excited to share the theme for this years 2020 Suicide Prevention Month, “Hope, Resilience and Recovery”. The theme this year is focused on hope by promoting resiliency through social and emotional learning and celebrating recovery. By promoting protective factors such as hope and resilience, we may reduce the likelihood that someone experiencing challenges will go down the suicidal crisis path. These protective factors may also help to prevent substance use, while fostering recovery and wellness. 

Action: Download the image above to use as a digital background for video conferencing to help promote suicide prevention efforts and start conversations.

TTSPC Zoom Virtual Background.png

Mental Health in the Mountains & Local Trainings

Register here


Next Week:

  • Virtual Mental Health First Aid Training - Sept. 9
  • World Suicide Prevention Day - Sept. 10

Hope Squad

Hope Squad is a school-based peer support program that helps students to recognize if they or their peers are at risk for suicide and to get help. The program is built upon QPR training. 

Hope Squads seek to reduce self-destructive behavior and youth suicide by training, building, and creating change in schools and communities. Hope Squad members strive to:  

  • Create a safe school environment
  • Promote connectedness
  • Support anti-bullying
  • Encourage mental wellness
  • Reduce mental health stigma
  • Prevent substance misuse

Look for more information on Hope Squads in newsletters to come.

Share with us WHAT BRINGS YOU HOPE and enter to win one of three raffle prizes this month. 


New Survey Finds Majority of Adults Want Suicide Prevention to be a National Priority as a Result of Covid-19

To kickoff suicide prevention month (#SPM20), prevention partners just released findings from a national survey conducted by the Harris Poll to better understand the general public's perceptions on mental health, suicide, and suicide prevention. According to the survey of over 2,000 U.S. adults ages 18 and older, as a result of the pandemic:

  • Majority of adults surveyed (81%) want suicide prevention to be a national priority
  • Over half of Americans (52%) report being more open to talking about mental health

The survey, which builds upon previous surveys in 2015 and 2018, speaks to the need for urgent action around these critical public health issues, in the wake of the pandemic, and that Americans do want to take action to prevent suicide. In fact, most Americans believe suicide can be prevented (93%) and would do something if someone close to them was thinking about suicide (95%).


It's Not Too Late to Complete the Census

ONLINE Census Linked HERE
