Leader: Revd Jeremy Putnam Preacher Revd Janette Mullett
10.30am Contemporary Worship with Act of Remembrance
Leader: Revd Janette Mullett Preacher:Revd Jeremy Putnam
Readings for Remembrance Sunday
Hebrews 10.11-14 [15-18],
Mark 13.1-8
Almighty Father, whose will is to restore all things in your beloved Son, the King of all: govern the hearts and minds of those in authority, and bring the families of the nations, divided and torn apart by the ravages of sin, to be subject to his just and gentle rule; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen
Upcoming Services
A full schedule of services for the seasons of Remembrance and Advent can be found on our website here.
Pastoral Reflection
Pastoral Reflections on Hebrews chapter 9: 24-28,
Last Sunday 7th November, we concluded our mini series in the Letter to the Hebrews by reflecting back on its recurring themes; Christ’s sacrifice; his making the sacrifice on our behalf and the offering of himself as the sacrifice; the once for all sacrifice which no longer needs repeating as did those presented by the Levitical high priests; and Jesus our great and perfect high priest who lives forever to intercede for us in the presence of God.
As we listened to the ‘grace notes’ in the scripture we considered verse 24: “For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made of human hands, a mere copy of the true one, but he entered heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf”, and explored the relationship between the sanctuary and heaven; where and what that is. Heaven it seems is God’s dwelling place, recognizable by its company and citizens; it is where we ‘sit with Christ’ now (Ephesians 4), and where at the end of the age, the visibility of God’ s life and reign will stand fulfilled and wholly present to us and all creation. The Kingdom of Heaven Jesus told the disciples is hidden, present, upon you, near you, in your midst – it is more about relationship than location. It is about the intersection in Christ between heaven and earth, coming to his table and washing feet, the table and the towel.
This scripture calls us to reflect on our own sanctuary here at ASH, that it is only a copy, an image of what the Kingdom of Heaven is about. In doing so, we might need to ask ourselves how and where we need to realign our own sphere on earth with the Kingdom of Heaven.
In Christ Jesus
Staff Reflections from Church Vision Update
The ASHT staff team share their reflections on the Vision Sunday news:
Jeremy Putnam, Priest in Charge:
"I am really thrilled to be stepping into the Pioneer Minister role for Transforming Mission from the end of January. Transforming Mission demonstrates our desire as a church to resource both our common life and unity in Christ, as well as our longing to share the Gospel beyond the church. It represents our commitment to both but more specifically indicates our heart to broaden our reach, and to love those who are more commonly underrepresented in our church communities. I am really looking forward to where this leads, working together to love the people of our city and to serve Christ.
Janette Mullett, Associate Minister:
"I am honoured to be stepping into the role of Associate Minister in the New Year. I have loved this church since joining 6 years ago, never suspecting that one day I would be in this position. I hope and pray that I may serve this wonderful community well. My starting points will be around prayer and listening well to each other, as we discern together the way ahead in this new season."
Lucas Bostdorff, Strategic Operations manager:
"I am excited to be stepping into leadership over the Lifehouse project. Care for the community is one of the key aspects that drew me to All Saints as a church and the Lifehouse remains our ambitious vision to increase the work being done in and for the local community."
Rowley Surridge, Deputy Church Warden:
"Jesus said to the apostles 'I no longer call you servants but friends'. This is the sort of relationship God wants with us. How can we support one another into this close relationship with him so other people say of us 'See these Christians how they love one another'."
Sam Payne, Children and Young Families Lead:
"We had lots of fun putting on the Halloween event a couple of weeks ago. The purpose of the event was to continue engaging with and building positive relationships with the local community. Whilst out and about, families were able to pop into the Church to enjoy some refreshments and participate in a variety of activities such as; monster tin can alley, candy corn hoopla, cookie decorating and doughnut eating races. The event was a great success, with lots of fun being had. During the course of the evening, we had approximately 150 people come through our doors. Please continue to pray for more opportunities to continue to engage with our local community that will also allow us to share the good news of Jesus with them."
Upcoming Events
Tea & Cake @ ASH - This Saturday 13th November - 2-5 pm
As we continue to adjust and re-establish our routines as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is now really important we take time to remake lost connections, strengthen friendships and forge new ones. There is not always enough time during our regular worship to have these conversations, therefore, on Saturday 13th November at All Saints Highertown, Lynne, Simon, Chris and Trish will be hosting a relaxed and entertaining Tea & Cake afternoon between 2pm-5pm. All are welcomed, there will be a raffle, however this is not a fundraising event. The aim is to catch-up, meet and share fellowship with friends.
Advent Fair - Saturday 27th November - 11am - 2pm
Please save the date, more information to follow. If you wish to help or contribute, please speak to Lynne and Simon Bray.
Bishop's Mission Order for Truro Truro Cathedral 18th November at 7.30pm
On 18th November at 7.30pm the Anglican Churches in Truro will be celebrating the launch of a new missional agreement for our city. The service will be held at Truro Cathedral and led by our Bishop's Philip and Hugh. The special Bishop's Mission Order for Truro (pending full approval by our PCC) will provide permission for all the churches in Truro to work across parish boundaries for the betterment of our common mission and to help resource our contribution to the common good. The BMO will have two streams of work detailed - the work of the existing church mission and the pioneering work of Transforming Mission. All Saints is one of 6 churches represented by the BMO and of course home to the TM team for Truro. Please pray for the final stages of this process, especially as this will be the first BMO in the Church of England for a city, but most of all pray for the work that will done through it, together. Please also put the date in your diaries it would be lovely to see you all at the Cathedral to support this good work.
Church Accounting Team - Help Needed
All Saints is currently looking to recruit volunteers for our accounting team! This crucial team helps keep All Saints running by ensuring that our finances are in order, our processes run smoothly, and our leaders have the information they need to make crucial decisions. We are looking for anyone with experience in accounting, bookkeeping, church treasury, charity finance, etc. If you interested in serving this way please email [email protected].
You will now find contact details on a separate sheet, available from the church.