Tom's Pantry

Tom's Pantry for the week of october 13th 2020.

Baking and delivering this week!

Hello Folks. I regret that this newsletter is pretty brief. I and short on time this week. 

I will attend two farmers markets this week ...

Parkdale Farmers Market in Ottawa on Thursday, with home deliveries around Ottawa and on the round trip there and back to Berwick. I need you orders this evening Tuesday.

Vankleek Hill Farmers Market on Saturdays October 17th, with home deliveries on the round trip there and back to Berwick. I need your orders by Thursday evening. 

I will be in Russell on Wednesday evening (orders by Tuesday evening), in Cornwall on Thursday evening (orders by Tuesday evening), and in Chesterville on Saturday evening (orders by Thursday evening). 

Consult the schedule and online ordering at


52 Loaves

This book 52 Loaves​ was recommended to me. I look forward to reading it.

William Alexander is determined to bake the perfect loaf of bread. He tasted it long ago, in a restaurant, and has been trying to reproduce it ever since. Without success. Now, on the theory that practice makes perfect, he sets out to bake peasant bread every week until he gets it right. He bakes his loaf from scratch. And because Alexander is nothing if not thorough, he really means from scratch: growing, harvesting, winnowing, threshing, and milling his own wheat. 

Stay in touch...