This Week's Meetings, News, Events, & More |
Note: If you are unable to view all of this email, see above for a web link or go to our newsletter page to view the newsletter in its entirety. | |
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance | |
National Capital Area Chapter | |
Hello and welcome to the weekly email! If you have a suggestion or news item to share please send to by 5:00 pm on Fridays.
Be sure to check out the chapter website at
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As always, a listing and calendar of all meetings, including zoom links, is on our site.
Zoom Link
If the provided link is used online, a password should be unnecessary. Please let us know of any difficulties via
Invite link for all ZOOM PEER groups:
Meeting ID 662 587 4960 Passcode: dbsanca (use this method if you wish to alter your name upon entering the meeting)
One tap mobile +13017158592,,6625874960#,,,,,,0#,,3858633#
+13017158592,,6625874960#,,,,*3858633# US (Washington D.C)
Dial in 301-715-8592 Meeting ID: 662-587-4960 Passcode: 3858633
Google Calendar Links
Special Events and Unofficial Groups | Peer In Person | Peer Virtual
These are the links for our Google Calendar. Our Google Calendar is the most up to date source for meeting information, including links, specific locations, and meeting policies.
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DBSA National Support Groups | |
DBSA NCA News: New Chapter Medical Advisor | |
Our chapter's longtime Medical Advisor, Dr. Frederick Jacobsen, MD, MPH, is stepping down from this position. He has been with us since the mid-1980's. He reports that he is in good health, but is now rather short of time due to other commitments. His annual talks to our chapter on new developments in mood disorders research and treatment are widely admired (most recent on our website). We'll say more about his involvement with our chapter, and his distinguished career, in a future newsletter.
Our new Medical Advisor is Dr. Carlos Zarate, MD, NIH Distinguished Investigator and Chief of the Experimental Therapeutics and Pathophysiology Branch of the National Institute of Mental Health. Dr. Zarate spoke to our chapter recently (posted on chapter website), and over the years has been our most frequent speaker after Dr. Jacobsen. For his research interests, biography, achievements and awards, and publications see:
Carlos Zarate - National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Dr. Zarate is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, and his many awards of distinction include the Gerald L. Klerman Senior Investigator Award, the highest honor National DBSA gives to members of the scientific community.
We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Zarate to our chapter community.
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Meetup Groups run by DBSA NCA peers:
Young, Fun, and Living with Chronic/Mental Illness
The Pedestrian Adventure Club - relaxed social walking and dinners on select Friday evenings, based out of Gaithersburg, Maryland
National Capital Area Community Walks to Fight Suicide: Register Today!
NIMH - upcoming webinar postponed, other upcoming events of possible interest - Disability, Equity, and Mental Health Research Webinar Series Tickets, Mon, Sep 9, 2024 at 2:00 PM | Eventbrite
NIH Maternal Mental Health Roundtable Maternal Mental Health Research September 16 12:00-4:30 PM ET
MHA - article, upcoming national conference in DC (free virtual access), webinars and events - News from National: August 22, 2024 ( MHA Conference September 17-21 at the Capital Hilton and virtually: Register for Mental Health America’s Annual Conference! | Mental Health America (
The Importance of Diet in Bipolar Disorder webinar September 18, 2024 at 1:00 PM ET
Mental health advocacy book club: Bebe Moore Campbell's "72 Hour Hold" MHA Webinar Oct 15, 2024 12:00 PM
AFSP - upcoming DC Out of the Darkness Walk - begins 5:00 PM ET October 19 at the Lincoln Memorial - Washington DC Out of the Darkness Walk
International Mental Health Research Symposium October 25, 2024
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Weekly Articles From BP Hope | |
Interested in More Articles? | |
Are We Serving Your Needs? | |
We aim as volunteers to provide you with relevant and easily accessible content. Please let us know if we are successful, and especially if you think there are any changes to our newsletter or website that could better serve you by emailing | |
Donations to the National DBSA may be made through the website.
The DBSA NCA has a donation page which may be used for online contributions via PayPal or major credit card. Others may prefer to mail a check, payable to DBSA NCA, to our chapter's address on the website. Our chapter is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
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If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us via email or our dedicated voicemail line, 240-780-8706.
In Health,
The DBSA NCA Web Team
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